select obj.name
as 表名,
col.colorder as 序號 ,
col.name as 列名 ,
isnull(ep.[value], '') as 列說明 ,
t.name as 資料型別 ,
col.length as 長度 ,
isnull(columnproperty(col.id, col.name, 'scale'), 0) as 小數字數 ,
case when columnproperty(col.id, col.name, 'isidentity') = 1 then '√'
else ''
end as 標識 ,
case when exists ( select 1
from dbo.sysindexes si
inner join dbo.sysindexkeys sik on si.id = sik.id
and si.indid = sik.indid
inner join dbo.syscolumns sc on sc.id = sik.id
and sc.colid = sik.colid
inner join dbo.sysobjects so on so.name = si.name
and so.xtype = 'pk'
where sc.id = col.id
and sc.colid = col.colid ) then '√'
else ''
end as 主鍵 ,
case when col.isnullable = 1 then '√'
else ''
end as 允許空 ,
isnull(comm.text, '') as 預設值
from dbo.syscolumns col
left join dbo.systypes t on col.xtype = t.xusertype
inner join dbo.sysobjects obj on col.id = obj.id
and obj.xtype = 'u'
and obj.status >= 0
left join dbo.syscomments comm on col.cdefault = comm.id
left join sys.extended_properties ep on col.id = ep.major_id
and col.colid = ep.minor_id
and ep.name = 'ms_description'
left join sys.extended_properties eptwo on obj.id = eptwo.major_id
and eptwo.minor_id = 0
and eptwo.name = 'ms_description'
--where obj.name = 'scene_project_product_station_product_check_detail_extend'--表名
order by obj.name ;
sysobjects.name as 表名稱 ,
syscolumns.name as 欄位名稱 ,
systypes.name as 字段型別 ,
syscolumns.length as 字段長度 ,
isnull(columnproperty(syscolumns.id, syscolumns.name,'scale'), 0) as 小數字數 ,
case when syscolumns.isnullable=0
then ''
else ' √ '
end as 是否為空 ,
case when syscomments.text is null
then '' else syscomments.text
end as 預設值 ,
case when columnproperty(syscolumns.id, syscolumns.name, 'isidentity')= 1
then ' √ ' else ''
end as 遞增字段 ,
case when sysindexes.name is null
then ''
else sysindexes.name
end as 索引名稱 ,
case when sysindexkeys.keyno is null
then ''
else convert(varchar(10),sysindexkeys.keyno )
end as 索引位置 ,
case when sysindexes.indid=1
then ' 聚集索引 '
when sysindexes.indid>1 and sysindexes.indid<>255
then ' 非聚集索引 '
when sysindexes.indid is null
then ''
' 其他 '
end as 索引型別 ,
case when exists
(select 1
from sysobjects
where xtype = 'pk' and name in
(select name
from sysindexes
where indid in
(select indid
from sysindexkeys
where id = syscolumns.id and colid = syscolumns.colid)))
then ' √ ' else ''
end as 主鍵 ,
case when sysforeignkeys.constid is null
then ''
else ' √ '
end as 外健
from syscolumns -- 資料表字段
inner join sysobjects -- 資料物件
on sysobjects.id = syscolumns.id
inner join systypes -- 資料型別
on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtype
left outer join sys.extended_properties properties -- 字段屬性資訊
on syscolumns.id = properties.major_id
and syscolumns.colid = properties.minor_id
left outer join sys.extended_properties sysproperties -- 表屬性資訊
on sysobjects.id = sysproperties.major_id
and sysproperties.minor_id = 0
left outer join syscomments -- 注釋資訊
on syscolumns.cdefault = syscomments.id
left outer join sysindexkeys -- 索引中的鍵或列的資訊
on sysindexkeys.id = syscolumns.id
and sysindexkeys.colid = syscolumns.colid
left outer join sysindexes -- 資料庫 索引表
on sysindexes.id = sysindexkeys.id
and sysindexes.indid = sysindexkeys.indid
left outer join sysforeignkeys
on sysforeignkeys.fkeyid = syscolumns.id
and sysforeignkeys.fkey = syscolumns.colid
where (sysobjects.xtype = 'u')
order by sysobjects.id,syscolumns.colid
select 表名 case when a.colorder 1 then d.name else end,表說明 case when a.colorder 1 then isnull f.value,else end,字段序號 a.colorder,欄位名 a.name,標識 case when ...
select 表名 case when a.colorder 1then d.name else end 表說明 case when a.colorder 1then isnull f.value,else end 字段序號 a.colorder,欄位名 a.name,字段說明 isnull g.v...
sql Server 2012 生成資料字典
select 表名 case when a.colorder 1 then d.name else end,表說明 case when a.colorder 1 then isnull f.value,else end,字段序號 a.colorder,欄位名 a.name,標識 case when ...