
2022-03-03 23:07:32 字數 4318 閱讀 4447

using system;

using system.threading;

private void test1()



console.writeline("exit test1");}}

private void test2()}}


0:000> ~*e!clrstack

os thread id: 0x26d4 (0)

child sp ip call site

000000000045ea38 000007ffe9ab2c5a [inlinedcallframe: 000000000045ea38] microsoft.win32.win32native.readconsoleinput(intptr, inputrecord byref, int32, int32 byref)

000000000045ea38 000007ffd1e3f64e [inlinedcallframe: 000000000045ea38] microsoft.win32.win32native.readconsoleinput(intptr, inputrecord byref, int32, int32 byref)

000000000045e9f0 000007ffd1e3f64e domainneutralilstubclass.il_stub_pinvoke(intptr, inputrecord byref, int32, int32 byref)

000000000045eb30 000007ffd1ea9961 system.console.readkey(boolean)

000000000045efd0 000007ffdac338f3 [gcframe: 000000000045efd0]

os thread id: 0x2b74 (1)

unable to walk the managed stack. the current thread is likely not a

managed thread. you can run !threads to get a list of managed threads in

the process

failed to start stack walk: 80070057

os thread id: 0x2a60 (2)

child sp ip call site

000000001af8f8c8 000007ffe9ab319b [debuggeru2mcatchhandlerframe: 000000001af8f8c8]

os thread id: 0x1978 (3)

unable to walk the managed stack. the current thread is likely not a

managed thread. you can run !threads to get a list of managed threads in

the process

failed to start stack walk: 80070057

os thread id: 0x242c (4)

child sp ip call site

000000001ba6e9d8 000007ffe9ab319b [gcframe: 000000001ba6e9d8]

000000001ba6eb18 000007ffe9ab319b [gcframe: 000000001ba6eb18]

000000001ba6eb58 000007ffe9ab319b [helpermethodframe_1obj: 000000001ba6eb58] system.threading.monitor.enter(system.object)

000000001ba6ecb0 000007ffd16afb65 system.threading.executioncontext.runinternal(system.threading.executioncontext, system.threading.contextcallback, system.object, boolean)

000000001ba6ee10 000007ffd16af8c9 system.threading.executioncontext.run(system.threading.executioncontext, system.threading.contextcallback, system.object, boolean)

000000001ba6ee40 000007ffd16af887 system.threading.executioncontext.run(system.threading.executioncontext, system.threading.contextcallback, system.object)

000000001ba6ee90 000007ffd16c2fe1 system.threading.threadhelper.threadstart()

000000001ba6f1a8 000007ffdac338f3 [gcframe: 000000001ba6f1a8]

000000001ba6f4d8 000007ffdac338f3 [debuggeru2mcatchhandlerframe: 000000001ba6f4d8]

0:000> !runaway

user mode time

thread time

4:242c 0 days 0:00:00.000

3:1978 0 days 0:00:00.000

2:2a60 0 days 0:00:00.000

1:2b74 0 days 0:00:00.000

0:26d4 0 days 0:00:00.000

0:000> .time

debug session time: mon may 20 17:22:13.000 2013 (utc + 8:00)

system uptime: 0 days 7:14:13.190

process uptime: 0 days 0:00:11.000

kernel time: 0 days 0:00:00.000

user time: 0 days 0:00:00.000

0:000> !threads

threadcount: 3

unstartedthread: 0

backgroundthread: 1

pendingthread: 0

deadthread: 0

hosted runtime: no


id osid threadobj state gc mode gc alloc context domain count apt exception

0 1 26d4 00000000004fe850 2a020 preemptive 0000000002826698:0000000002827fd0 00000000004d2ab0 2 mta

2 2 2a60 00000000005056a0 2b220 preemptive 0000000000000000:0000000000000000 00000000004d2ab0 0 mta (finalizer)

4 3 242c 000000000052aca0 202b020 preemptive 0000000002828010:0000000002829fd0 00000000004d2ab0 0 mta


0:000> !syncblk

index syncblock monitorheld recursion owning thread info syncblock owner


total 2

ccw 0

rcw 0

comclassfactory 0

free 0

可看到執行緒「00000000004fe850 」拿到了鎖,再通過!threads命令得到其執行緒邏輯號為0,即可切換至該執行緒,並通過!clrstack列印出其執行堆疊。


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