C 讀取遠端電腦檔案的方法

2022-02-28 22:17:48 字數 874 閱讀 7360


using system.management;

using system.io;


connectionoptions conn = new connectionoptions();

conn.username = "administrator";//登入遠端電腦的賬戶

conn.password = "hanroc";//登入遠端電腦的密碼

managementpath path = new managementpath();


path.path = @"\\\root\cimv2";

managementscope ms = new managementscope();

ms.options = conn;

ms.path = path;



objectquery query = new objectquery("select * from cim_datafile where name = 'c:\\\\kvoffice.log'");

managementobjectsearcher  searcher = new managementobjectsearcher(ms,query);

managementobjectcollection collection = searcher.get();

string time = "";

foreach (managementobject obj in collection)


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