update ictemplateentry set fvisforbilltype = 63,flookupcls=6 where fid ='p01' and fheadcaption = '源單單號'
select fcaption as fcaption,ffieldname,1 fishead,fctlindex from ictemplate where fid=(select ftemplateid from ictransactiontype where fid=70) and (fvisforbilltype & 32) = 32union
select fheadcaption as fcaption,ffieldname,0 fishead,fctlindex from ictemplateentry where fid=(select ftemplateid from ictransactiontype where fid=70) and (fvisforbilltype & 32) = 32
order by fishead desc,fctlindex
使用Python 3發郵件
直接使用別人封裝好的第三方庫 usr bin env python coding utf 8 time 2018 6 5 21 42 author hewj file demon.py import yagmail args yagmail.smtp args emaillist 893369127...
關於python3 傳送郵件
from email.mime.text import mimetext from email.header import header from smtplib import smtp ssl qq伺服器 host server smtp.qq.com sender qq為發件人的qq號碼 sen...
Python3 傳送郵件踩坑記錄
新手學習python3.5,根據教程試一試使用python3.5中的smtplib模組傳送電子郵件。出現多個問題 1 error 無法傳送郵件.case 550,b user has no permission 和 error 無法傳送郵件.case 535,b error authenticati...