sql查詢 範圍查詢(區間查詢)

2022-02-06 06:58:12 字數 972 閱讀 6619

1 --範圍查詢(區間查詢)

2 --in

()3 --查詢年齡為18,28,38的人 select *from student where age=18 or age=28 or age=38;

4 select *from student where age in(18,28,38);

5 --not

in6 --查詢年齡為18,28,38的人 select *from student where not (age=18 or age=28 or age=38);

7 select *from student where age not

in (18,28,38);

8 --between...and

...9 --查詢12-18的人

10 select *from student where age between 12 and 18;

11 -- not between...and

...12 -- 查詢年齡不在12-18的人

13 select *from student where age not between 12 and 18;

14 -- 失敗select *from student where age not (between 12 and 18);


17 --判斷空

18 -- is


19 --判斷年齡是否為空

20 select *from student where age is


21 -- is


22 --判斷年齡不為空

23 select *from student where age is

not null;

《SQL語句WHERE查詢 範圍查詢 模糊查詢》

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