Oracle 常用語句備份

2022-01-24 18:26:57 字數 1276 閱讀 2515

1、oracle 11g 使用者名稱和密碼預設區分大小寫,可更改alter system set sec_case_sensitive_logon=false 設定改為不區分大小寫。

2、授權建立檢視:grant create view to 使用者;


select username,default_tablespace from dba_users;


select * from user_tables; 


select * from user_all_tables;


select * from user_views;


select * from user_source;


select * from all_users;

--select * from dba_users


select * from v$session;


select * from user_role_privs;


select * from session_privs;


select * from dba_role_privs;


select * from dba_roles;


select name from v$database;


select a.file_id "fileno",

a.tablespace_name "tablespace_name",

a.bytes "bytes",

a.bytes - sum(nvl(b.bytes, 0)) "used",

sum(nvl(b.bytes, 0)) "free",

sum(nvl(b.bytes, 0)) / a.bytes * 100 "%free"

from dba_data_files a, dba_free_space b

where a.file_id = b.file_id(+)

group by a.tablespace_name, a.file_id, a.bytes

order by a.tablespace_name;


1 修改表的儲存表空間語句 解決方法1 alter table move tablespace move過table以後索引會丟失,所以還重建索引,先查詢失效的索引 select index name from user indexes where status unusable alter ind...

oracle 常用語句

oracle 產看表空間 select tablespace name free space,total space free space used space,total space from select tablespace name,sum bytes 1024 102...


drop tablespace crm online space including contents and datafiles 刪除表空間 drop user wuliu01 cascade 刪除使用者 exp orcl file d dmp 匯出資料庫 imp orcl file e alen...