
2022-01-10 11:39:29 字數 2875 閱讀 4904



[root@-svr1 ~]# vim /opt/orabbix/conf/query.props

select '- tablespace ->',t.tablespace_name ktablespace, \

'- type->',substr(t.contents, 1, 1) tipo, \

'- used(mb)->',trunc((d.tbs_size-nvl(s.free_space, 0))/1024/1024) ktbs_em_uso, \

'- actualsize(mb)->',trunc(d.tbs_size/1024/1024) ktbs_size, \

'- maxsize(mb)->',trunc(d.tbs_maxsize/1024/1024) ktbs_maxsize, \

'- freespace(mb)->',trunc(nvl(s.free_space, 0)/1024/1024) kfree_space, \

'- space->',trunc((d.tbs_maxsize - d.tbs_size + nvl(s.free_space, 0))/1024/1024) kspace, \

'- perc->',decode(d.tbs_maxsize, 0, 0, trunc((d.tbs_size-nvl(s.free_space, 0))*100/d.tbs_maxsize)) kperc \

from \

( select sum(bytes) tbs_size, \

sum(decode(sign(maxbytes - bytes), -1, bytes, maxbytes)) tbs_maxsize, tablespace_name tablespace \

from ( select nvl(bytes, 0) bytes, nvl(maxbytes, 0) maxbytes, tablespace_name \

from dba_data_files \

union all \

select nvl(bytes, 0) bytes, nvl(maxbytes, 0) maxbytes, tablespace_name \

from dba_temp_files \

) \group by tablespace_name \

) d, \

( select sum(bytes) free_space, \

tablespace_name tablespace \

from dba_free_space \

group by tablespace_name \

) s, \

dba_tablespaces t \

where t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace(+) and \

t.tablespace_name = s.tablespace(+) \

order by 8) \

where kperc > 93 \

and tipo <>'t' \

and tipo <>'u'





customtbl.query=select 'tbl:'||a.tablespace_name||',' tbl, \

'total size:'||trunc(sum(a.tots) / 1024 / 1024, 2)||',' tot_size_mb, \

'free mb:'||round(sum(a.sumb) / 1024 / 1024, 2)||',' tot_free_mb, \

'pct free:'||round(sum(a.sumb) * 100 / sum(a.tots), 2)||',' pct_free, \

'max free mb:'||round(sum(a.largest) / 1024 / 1024, 2)||',' max_free_mb, \

'chunks free:'||sum(a.chunks)||',' chunks_free \

from (select tablespace_name, \

0 tots, \

sum(bytes) sumb, \

max(bytes) largest, \

count(*) chunks \

from dba_free_space a \

group by tablespace_name \

union \

select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) tots, 0, 0, 0 \

from dba_data_files \

group by tablespace_name) a \

group by a.tablespace_name



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