查詢 某一段時間,a在小於五秒鐘內出現2次以上
with t as (
select t.a,t.b
from c_table t
where 1 = 1
and b>= to_date('2012-5-29 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and b<= to_date('2012-5-30 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and t.a>'0' order by t.a )
select t.* from t where exists(
select 1 from t a where t.a=a.a and
abs(t.b-a.b)<=5/(24*60*60) and abs(t.b-a.b)>0 )
--表資訊 www.2cto.com
連鎖店編號 會員卡號 錄入員工號 錄入終端 錄入時間
2012001001 12345678 2012000001 00000001 20120510 16:29:23
2012001001 12345678 2012000001 00000001 20120510 16:30:44
2012001001 12345678 2012000001 00000001 20120510 16:39:12
2012001004 12345678 2012000002 00000001 20120510 16:41:21
2012001004 32345678 2012000002 00000002 20120510 16:43:56
2012001004 22345678 2012000002 00000001 20120510 16:46:49
2012001004 52345678 2012000002 00000002 20120510 16:47:23
2012001001 32345678 2012000003 00000001 20120510 16:49:10
2012001002 82345678 2012000003 00000002 20120510 16:53:08
2012001004 92345678 2012000003 00000003 20120510 16:57:00
2012001005 92345678 2012000003 00000002 20120510 17:01:51
2012001003 82345678 2012000003 00000003 20120510 17:02:23
查詢 同一連鎖店當日同一會員卡號,在相同的終端連續2次以上(含2次)錄入時間=<2分鐘
with t as (
'2012001001' a,'12345678' b,'2012000001' c,'1' d,to_date('20120510162923','yyyymmddhh24miss') e from dual union all select
'2012001001','12345678','2012000001','1',to_date('20120510163044','yyyymmddhh24miss') from dual union all select
'2012001001','12345678','2012000001','1',to_date('20120510163912','yyyymmddhh24miss')from dual union all select
'2012001004','12345678','2012000002','1',to_date('20120510164121','yyyymmddhh24miss')from dual union all select
'2012001004','32345678','2012000002','2',to_date('20120510164356','yyyymmddhh24miss')from dual union all select
'2012001004','22345678','2012000002','1',to_date('20120510164649','yyyymmddhh24miss')from dual union all select
'2012001004','52345678','2012000002','2',to_date('20120510164723','yyyymmddhh24miss')from dual union all select
'2012001001','32345678','2012000003','1',to_date('20120510164910','yyyymmddhh24miss')from dual union all select
'2012001002','82345678','2012000003','2',to_date('20120510165308','yyyymmddhh24miss')from dual union all select
'2012001004','92345678','2012000003','3',to_date('20120510165700','yyyymmddhh24miss')from dual union all select
'2012001005','92345678','2012000003','2',to_date('20120510170151','yyyymmddhh24miss')from dual union all select
'2012001003','82345678','2012000003','3',to_date('20120510170223','yyyymmddhh24miss') from dual )
select t.* from t where exists(
select 1 from t a where t.a=a.a and t.b=a.b and t.d= a.d
and abs(t.e-a.e)<=2/(24*60) and abs(t.e-a.e)>0 )
2012001001 12345678 2012000001 1 2012-5-10 16:29:23
2012001001 12345678 2012000001 1 2012-5-10 16:30:44
/* oracle 時間相減為天數:
select( to_date('20120510162923','yyyymmddhh24miss') - to_date('20120510163044','yyyymmddhh24miss'))*24 *60 *60 from dual
結果為天數:-0.0009375 天
化為分鐘:-0.0009375 * 24 *60 = -1.35 分鐘
化為秒:-1.35 分鐘= -1.35 * 60 = -81秒
查詢 某一段時間,a在小於五秒鐘內出現2次以上 with t as select t.a,t.b from c table t where 1 1 and b to date 2012 5 29 00 00 00 yyyy mm dd hh24 mi ss and b to date 2012 5 ...
PHP MYSQL查詢一段時間記錄
strone 2011 05 28 00 00 00 strtwo 2011 06 03 24 59 59 strthree 2011 05 28 strfour 2011 06 03 sql select from orders where createtime between strthree....
24小時內記錄 即86400秒 sql select video id,count id as n from rec down where unix timestamp now unix timestamp add time 86400 group by video id order by n de...