1、切換工作目錄至位置引數給出的目錄,依次向這些目錄中的每個檔案或子目錄問好,統計這些目錄下的各種檔案及子目錄個數,並顯示。 01
#! /bin/sh02
07if [ $# -lt 1 ]
09 echo "parameter's number error!";
10 exit 1;
13while [ $# -gt 0 ]
15 if [ -f $1 ]
16 then
17 echo "$1 is not a dir!";
18 else
19 cd $120
21 bfiles=0; #塊裝置檔案
22 cfiles=0; #字元裝置檔案
23 pfiles=0; #管道檔案
24 lfiles=0; #鏈結檔案/目錄
25 sfiles=0; #sock檔案
26 files=0; #普通檔案
27 dirs=0; #目錄檔案
28 total=0; #總檔案數
29 for var in `ls $1`
30 do
31 total=`expr $total + 1`;
32 echo "hello $var";
33 if [ -b $var ]
34 then
35 bfiles=`expr $bfiles + 1`;
36 elif [ -c $var ]
37 then
38 cfiles=`expr $cfiles + 1`;
39 elif [ -s $var ]
40 then
41 sfiles=`expr $sfiles + 1`;
42 elif [ -p $var ]
43 then
44 pfiles=`expr $pfiles + 1`;
45 elif [ -h $var ]
46 then
47 lfiles=`expr $lfiles + 1`;
48 elif [ -f $var ]
49 then
50 files=`expr $files + 1`;
51 elif [ -d $var ]
52 then
53 dirs=`expr $dirs + 1`;
54 fi;
55 done
57 echo "the number of bfiles is $bfiles";
58 echo "the number of cfiles is $cfiles";
59 echo "the number of lfiles is $lfiles";
60 echo "the number of sfiles is $sfiles";
61 echo "the number of pfiles is $pfiles";
62 echo "the number of files is $files";
63 echo "the number of dirs is $dirs";
64 echo "total file number is $total";
65 fi;
66 echo "************************************"
67 shift;
1.批量建立10個系統賬號test01 test10,並隨機設定8位數密碼 bin bash for i in seq w 10 do useradd test i echo random madsum cut c 8 tee a passwd.txt stdin test i done 2.在目錄...
Shell 指令碼例項
指令碼內容如下 bin bash action 定義函式,進行操作指南 action 1 database mysql uroot p 1 en e show databases grep e schema v mkdir p mnt sqldump e database name sql case...
1.寫乙個指令碼,利用迴圈計算10的階乘 bin sh factorial 1 for a in seq 1 10 dofactorial expr factorial a done echo 10 factorial 注 上面有一行,for a in seq 1 10 其中seq 1 10 即列出...