
2021-10-25 22:24:33 字數 2349 閱讀 8354

1、在命令列下執行php -m 命令檢視已經載入的擴充套件時發現修改後配置檔案(php.ini中新增了一些擴充套件,在web請求中使用php_info()能查到已經載入)並不生效。

2、其實這並不是什麼地方出了問題,因為命令列下執行的php命令呼叫的配置檔案並不是web請求時的配置檔案,可以通過命令php --ini檢視命令列下呼叫的配置檔案:

scan for additional .ini files in: (none)

additional .ini files parsed: (none)



php --help

usage: php [options] [-f] [--] [args...]

php [options] -r[--] [args...]

php [options] [-b ] -r[-e ] [--] [args...]

php [options] [-b ] -f [-e ] [--] [args...]

php [options] -s :[-t docroot] [router]

php [options] -- [args...]

php [options] -a

-a run as interactive shell

-c |look for php.ini file in this directory

-n no configuration (ini) files will be used

-d foo[=bar] define ini entry foo with value 'bar'

-e generate extended information for debugger/profiler

-f parse and execute .

-h this help

-i php information

-l syntax check only (lint)

-m show compiled in modules

-rrun phpwithout using script tags <?..?>

-b run php before processing input lines

-rrun phpfor every input line

-f parse and execute for every input line

-e run php after processing all input lines

-h hide any passed arguments from external tools.

-s :run with built-in web server.

-t specify document root for built-in web server.

-s output html syntax highlighted source.

-v version number

-w output source with stripped comments and whitespace.

-z load zend extension .

args... arguments passed to script. use -- args when first argument

starts with - or script is read from stdin

--ini show configuration file names

--rf show information about function .

--rc show information about class .

--re show information about extension .

--rz show information about zend extension .

--ri show configuration for extension .

env mac下brew安裝php及擴充套件(新)

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PHP的擴充套件cli模式與php fpm不一致

php m和phpinfo 打出的擴充套件完全不一樣。1.安裝完擴充套件後需要重啟php 2.php fpm啟動時通過 c指定php.ini檔案路徑,y 指定php fpm.conf檔案路徑 php fpm c usr local php etc php.ini y usr local php et...


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