有時候需要檢視函式位址,官方位址示例:x /d /f lec_teacher!c*
以下命令將查詢 mymodule 中包含字串 "spin" 的所有符號。
以下命令快速查詢 mymodule 中的 "downloadminor" 和 "downloadmajor" 符號。0:000> x mymodule!*spin*
你還可以使用以下命令顯示 mymodule 中的所有符號。0:000> x mymodule!downloadm??or
上述命令還強制偵錯程式過載 mymodule 中的符號資訊。0:000> x mymodule!*
幾個符號始終包含字串 "start"。 因此,前面的命令將始終顯示某些輸出,以驗證該命令是否正常工作。 但前面的命令將避免 *x mymodule! * _.0:000> x mymodule!*start*
顯示每個符號的起始位址和完整符號名稱。 如果符號是函式名稱,則該顯示還包含其引數型別的列表。 如果符號是全域性變數,則顯示其當前值。
還存在 x* 命令的另一種特殊情況。 若要顯示當前上下文的所有區域性變數的位址和名稱,請使用以下命令。
顯示區域性變數0:000> x *
dx -id 2,2 -r1 ((lec_teacher!graphicstoolmanager *)0x1e7cb010)-r1 : 表示顯示的內容只展出1層,例如:m_graphicstoolsbar的值,如果是r2會把m_graphicstoolsbar的成員變數列印出來的使用 "環境" 物件可顯示與執行緒和程序關聯的 teb 和 peb 資訊。
若要顯示與當前執行緒關聯的 teb,請使用此命令。
若要顯示與當前程序關聯的 peb,請使用此命令。0: kd> dx -r2 @$curthread.environment
environmentblock [type: _teb]
[+0x000] nttib [type: _nt_tib]
[+0x038] environmentpointer : unable to read memory at address 0x38
[+0x040] clientid [type: _client_id]
[+0x050] activerpchandle : unable to read memory at address 0x50
[+0x058] threadlocalstoragepointer : unable to read memory at address 0x58
[+0x060] processenvironmentblock : unable to read memory at address 0x60
[+0x068] lasterrorvalue : unable to read memory at address 0x68
[+0x06c] countofownedcriticalsections : unable to read memory at address 0x6c
[+0x070] csrclientthread : unable to read memory at address 0x70
[+0x078] win32threadinfo : unable to read memory at address 0x78
[+0x080] user32reserved [type: unsigned long [26]]
[+0x0e8] userreserved [type: unsigned long [5]]
[+0x100] wow32reserved : unable to read memory at address 0x100
[+0x108] currentlocale : unable to read memory at address 0x108
[+0x10c] fpsoftwarestatusregister : unable to read memory at address 0x10c
0: kd> dx -r2 @$curprocess.environment
environmentblock [type: _peb]
[+0x000] inheritedaddressspace : unable to read memory at address 0x0
[+0x001] readimagefileexecoptions : unable to read memory at address 0x1
[+0x002] beingdebugged : unable to read memory at address 0x2
[+0x003] bitfield : unable to read memory at address 0x3
[+0x003 ( 0: 0)] imageuseslargepages : unable to read memory at address 0x3
[+0x003 ( 1: 1)] isprotectedprocess : unable to read memory at address 0x3
[+0x003 ( 2: 2)] isimagedynamicallyrelocated : unable to read memory at address 0x3
[+0x003 ( 3: 3)] skippatchinguser32forwarders : unable to read memory at address 0x3
[+0x003 ( 4: 4)] ispackagedprocess : unable to read memory at address 0x3
[+0x003 ( 6: 6)] isprotectedprocesslight : unable to read memory at address 0x3
[+0x003 ( 7: 7)] islongpathawareprocess : unable to read memory at address 0x3
[+0x004] padding0 [type: unsigned char [4]]
[+0x008] mutant : unable to read memory at address 0x8
[+0x010] imagebaseaddress : unable to read memory at address 0x10
[+0x018] ldr : unable to read memory at address 0x18
[+0x020] processparameters : unable to read memory at address 0x20
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