mysql 錯誤 2061 mysql8 常見錯誤

2021-10-25 14:51:30 字數 1803 閱讀 9975

1.error 2061 (hy000): authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' reported error: authentication requires secure connection.

【分析】mysql8預設使用外掛程式caching_sha2_password,有些client連線報這個錯誤,需要拿到server的public key來加密password。


mysql -u sha2user -p --get-server-public-key。做主從複製的時候也會碰到這種情況,加餐get_master_public_key=1;

change master to





master_auto_position=1 ,


2.multiple files found for the same tablespace id:

2019-10-22t15:27:22.848885+08:00 1 [error] [my-012209] [innodb] multiple files found for the same tablespace id:

2019-10-22t15:27:22.848904+08:00 1 [error] [my-012202] [innodb] tablespace id: 1 = ['sys/sys_config.ibd', 'sys/sys_config.ibd']

2019-10-22t15:27:22.848915+08:00 1 [error] [my-012202] [innodb] tablespace id: 15 = ['test/t.ibd', 'test/t.ibd']

2019-10-22t15:27:22.848922+08:00 1 [error] [my-012202] [innodb] tablespace id: 4294967278 = ['undo_002', 'undo_002']

2019-10-22t15:27:22.848932+08:00 1 [error] [my-012202] [innodb] tablespace id: 4294967279 = ['undo_001', 'undo_001']

2019-10-22t15:27:22.848939+08:00 1 [error] [my-012202] [innodb] tablespace id: 4294967294 = ['mysql.ibd', 'mysql.ibd']

2019-10-22t15:27:22.848952+08:00 1 [error] [my-012930] [innodb] plugin initialization aborted with error failed, retry may succeed.

2019-10-22t15:27:22.849080+08:00 1 [error] [my-010334] [server] failed to initialize dd storage engine

2019-10-22t15:27:22.849297+08:00 0 [error] [my-010020] [server] data dictionary initialization failed.


Error C2061 語法錯誤

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