
2021-10-25 10:13:23 字數 4402 閱讀 1512


建立表:(primary key:主鍵;auto_increment:自動遞增)

create table student

( stuid int primary key auto_increment,

stuname varchar(40) not null



insert into student(stuname) value('zhangsan');

insert into student value(2,'lisi');

insert into student value(10,'wangwu');

insert into student(stuname) value('maliu');

新增列:age (int型別)

alter table student  add age int;

update student set age=16 where stuid=1;

update student set age=16 where stuid=2;

update student set age=17 where stuid=10;

update student set age=16 where stuid=11;


alter table student add constraint un_name unique(stuname);

alter table student drop index un_name;

增加列:chinese (語文)

alter table student add chinese int;

update student set chinese=122 where stuid=1;

update student set chinese=113 where stuid=2;

update student set chinese=108 where stuid=10;

update student set chinese=98 where stuid=11;

增加列:mathematics (數學)

alter table student add mathematics int;
更新mathematics 列的內容(即根據stuid=xx時,向mathematics 裡面新增多大的數)

update student set mathematics=78 where stuid=1;

update student set mathematics=99 where stuid=2;

update student set mathematics=137 where stuid=10;

update student set mathematics=126 where stuid=11;

增加列:english (英語)

alter table student add english int;

update student set english=68 where stuid=1;

update student set english=89 where stuid=2;

update student set english=92 where stuid=10;

update student set english=101 where stuid=11;


alter table student add sum int;

alter table student drop sum;

alter table student add stusum int;

select sum(chinese+mathematics+english) from student where stuid=1;

update student set stusum=(chinese+mathematics+english) where stuid=1;

update student set stusum=(chinese+mathematics+english) where stuid=2;

update student set stusum=(chinese+mathematics+english) where stuid=10;

update student set stusum=(chinese+mathematics+english) where stuid=11;

排序:公升序為asc 降序為desc:

select * from student order by stusum desc;

select now();

update student set stutime=now() where stuid=1;

update student set stutime=now() where stuid=2;

update student set stutime=now() where stuid=10;

update student set stutime=now() where stuid=11;


select ascii(stuname) as numcodeoffirstchar from student;
函式:char_length(s):返回字串 wbn的字元數

select char_length("wbn") as lengthofstring;
函式:character_length(s):返回字串 wbn的字元數

select character_length("wbn") as lengthofstring;

select concat("sql ", "runoob ", "gooogle ", "facebook") as concatenatedstring;
函式:concat_ws(x, s1,s2…sn):合併多個字串,並新增分隔符:

select concat_ws("-", "sql", "tutorial", "is", "fun!")as concatenatedstring;
函式:field(s,s1,s2…):返回第乙個字串 s 在字串列表(s1,s2…)中的位置:

select field("c", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e");//c在abcde中的位置,3

select find_in_set("c", "a,b,c,d,e");

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語句完善 錢中平 2020 01 08

語句的完善 if邏輯運算中的and和or and 條件1 and 條件2 兩個條件同時滿足,就返回true 兩個條件都不滿足,返回false or 條件1 or 條件2 兩個條件只要有乙個滿足,就返回true 兩個條件都不滿足,返回false 以年齡為例 age int input 請輸入您的年齡 ...

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