init locally and push to github
#config your name and email
git config --global --user.name abc
git config --global --user.email [email protected]
#list if you had done it
git config --global --list #show your username and email
git init my-project#init empty git repo in current folder
#or just in the vscode gui git init
#stage changed means workplace to stagin area
git add *
#orgit add your-filename
#commit means staging area to your local repo
git commmit -m 'commit once'
#you had to init a repo in github first
git remote add origin(foryour remote repos)
git push -u origin master(your-branch-name)
git pull
then you can push/commit
clone from others』 repo
git clone ***.git
#show all branches and where you are
git branch
# create
git branch your-branchname
# switch
git checkout another-branch
# merge
git merge branch-name# now this branch is merged to master
git branch -d newtest
# merge conflict
# after fixed
git status -s
git add fixed-file
git status -s
git commit
假設abc都擁有乙個倉庫的許可權,該倉庫目前有master branch
如果兩人都直接使用master branch,那麼很有可能造成衝突,比如a刪掉b需要的檔案,c新增a已經實現的功能。
所以需要各自建立並切換到自己的branch,在push以前先pull當前master branch的內容,檢視其他人的修改,再據此修改、提交、推送自己的內容。
如果沒有許可權,create pull request。
Python 在VSCode中使用
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在 SVN 中使用 Git
將 module1 開發的變動提交 svn tree svn module1 module2 module3 doc configure readme.md在module1 中小步開發,在module1 使用單獨的 vcs version control system pwd cd module1 ...