1. gpu空間充足,但訓練和測試同時進行時,報空間不足,即runtimeerror: cuda out of memory.
with torch.no_grad():
for k, test_data in enumerate(test_loader):
2. soft-argmax梯度消失
def softargmax2d(input, beta=10):
# print(input.type)
*_, h, w = input.shape
input = beta * input.reshape(*_, h * w)
input = nn.functional.softmax(input, dim=-1)
indices_c, indices_r = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(0, 1, w),
np.linspace(0, 1, h),
)indices_r = torch.from_numpy(np.reshape(indices_r, (-1, h * w))).float().cuda()
indices_c = torch.from_numpy(np.reshape(indices_c, (-1, h * w))).float().cuda()
result_r = torch.sum((h - 1) * input * indices_r, dim=-1)
result_c = torch.sum((w - 1) * input * indices_c, dim=-1)
result = torch.stack([result_r, result_c], dim=-1)
return result
增大beta能更快得到積分數值解,即概率最大的影象座標點。但是,在求導過程中,由於soft-argmax的分母存在exp(beta*x),會導致梯度消失。所以,beta不能任意大。 開發快應用踩坑集錦
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