組合語言學習筆記 三個嘗試

2021-10-24 13:32:01 字數 3685 閱讀 8845

;program:  兩個數的相加

;author: 龍文漢

;date: 20.10.7


.model flat

exitprocess proto near32 stdcall, dwexitcode:dword

include io.h

cr equ 0dh

lf equ 0ah

.stack 4096


number1 dword ?

number2 dword ?

prompt1 byte "enter first number: ",0

prompt2 byte "enter second number: ",0

string byte 40 dup (?)

label1 byte cr,lf,"the sum is"

sum byte 11 dup (?)

byte cr,lf,0



output prompt1

input string ,40

atod string

mov number1,eax

output prompt2

input string ,40

atod string

mov number2,eax

mov eax,number1

add eax,number2

dtoa sum,eax

output label1

invoke exitprocess,0

public _start



a. 從鍵盤輸入自己的姓名,顯示輸出「hello,姓名」,其中「姓名」為自己輸入的姓名。

;program:  輸入自己的名字

;author: 龍文漢

;date: 20.10.7


.model flat

exitprocess proto near32 stdcall, dwexitcode:dword

include io.h ; header file

for input/output

cr equ 0dh ; carriage return character

lf equ 0ah ; line feed

.stack 4096 ; reserve 4096-byte stack

.data ; reserve storage for data

name1 dword 10 dup (?)

prompt byte "enter your name:"

string byte 40 dup (?)

prompt1 byte "hello,"

.code ; start of main program code


output prompt

input name1,10

output prompt1

output name1

invoke exitprocess, 0 ;

exit with return code 0

public _start ;

make entry point public

end ; end of source code


a. 資料段申請乙個儲存資料的字長資料(乙個長度為word的變數),該資料儲存的值20。

b. 資料段申請乙個儲存資料的雙字字長資料(乙個長度為dword的變數),該資料的值從鍵盤輸入。

c. 顯示上述兩個資料在螢幕上。

;program:  實驗1,3

;author: 龍文漢

;date: 20.10.7


.model flat

exitprocess proto near32 stdcall, dwexitcode:dword

include io.h ; header file

for input/output

cr equ 0dh ; carriage return character

lf equ 0ah ; line feed

.stack 4096 ; reserve 4096-byte stack

.data ; reserve storage for data

number1 word 20

number2 dword 20 dup (?)

prompt1 byte "enter the numb2:"

byte cr,lf,0

string byte 40 dup (?)

string2 word 20 dup (?)

byte cr,lf,0

prompt2 byte "第乙個數"

byte cr,lf,0

prompt3 byte cr,lf,"第二個數"

byte cr,lf,0

.code ; start of main program code


output prompt1

input string,40

atod string

mov number2,eax

itoa string2,number1

output prompt2

output string2

mov eax,number2

dtoa number2,eax

output prompt3

output number2

invoke exitprocess, 0 ;

exit with return code 0

public _start ;

make entry point public

end ; end of source code


cr      equ     0dh     ; carriage return character(回車)

lf equ 0ah ; line feed(換行)

prompt3 byte cr,lf,"第二個數"

byte cr,lf,0




組合語言學習筆記 三

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