
2021-10-24 12:00:08 字數 352 閱讀 3748

alter table table_name drop partition(id=2019,code=70);

show partitions table_name;

select * from dynamic_human2 where year=2018;

alter table 原表名 rename to 新錶名

desc formatted 表名

select * from 表名 tablesample(bucket 1 out of 4 on 字段);



hive修改 表 分割槽語句

新增分割槽 alter table table name add partition partcol value1 location loc1 示例alter table table name add if not exists partition dt 20130101 location user...


hive 建立外部表語句例項 create external table x mac string,did string,uid string,sid string,tc version string,province string,city string,model string,chip str...


1.場景 hive多表關聯使用join關聯時,sql語句不執行。如下sql select b.phoneno,b.statuscode,b.strategyid from whphone a left join rm workerorder info b on a.phoneno b.phoneno...