
2021-10-23 21:28:37 字數 1862 閱讀 8522


日常開發中,如果實用union all合併兩個已經排好序的結果集的時候,需求是第二個結果集資料排在第乙個結果集資料下面,單純的實用order by是無效的,因為order by的優先順序比union all低。

select `id`,`username`,`mobile`,`time`,id as leader 

from `grouporder_leader`

where `courseid` = 21 and `merchid` = 23 and `status` = 1

union all

select leadorderid,username,mobile,time,null

from `grouporder_partner`

where courseid=21 and status=1 and merchid=23

select `id`,`username`,`mobile`,`time`,id as leader 

from `grouporder_leader`

where `courseid` = 21 and `merchid` = 23 and `status` = 1

order by time desc

union all

select leadorderid,username,mobile,time,null

from `grouporder_partner`

where courseid=21 and status=1 and merchid=23

order by time desc



select id,username,mobile,time,leader 

from (select `id`,`username`,`mobile`,`time`,id as leader

from `grouporder_leader` where `courseid` = 21 and `merchid` = 23 and `status` = 1

union all

select leadorderid,username,mobile,time,null

from `grouporder_partner` where courseid=21 and status=1 and merchid=23

) order by time desc


select a.id,a.username,a.mobile,a.time,a.leader 

from (select `id`,`username`,`mobile`,`time`,id as leader

from `grouporder_leader` where `courseid` = 21 and `merchid` = 23 and `status` = 1

union all

select leadorderid,username,mobile,time,null

from `grouporder_partner` where courseid=21 and status=1 and merchid=23

) as a

order by time desc



最近使用sql語句進行union查詢,驚奇的發現 sql沒問題,union查詢也沒問題,都可以得到想要的結果,可是在對結果進行排序的時候,卻出問題了。1.union查詢沒問題 sql view plain copy select id username mobile time id as leade...


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SQL 聯合查詢 Union

集合運算子是針對兩個集合操作的,兩個集合必須有相同的列數 列具有相同的資料型別 至少能夠隱式轉換的 最終輸出的集合的列名是,由第乙個集合的列名來確定的 可以用來連線多個結果 注意 聯合 union 與連線不一樣 join 聯合 將多個結果集,合併為乙個結果集。union 去除重複,相當於預設應用了d...