呼叫函式測試:create or replace function f_pinyin(p_name in varchar2) return varchar2 as
v_compare varchar2(100);
v_return varchar2(4000);
function f_nlssort(p_word in varchar2) return varchar2 as
return nlssort(p_word, 'nls_sort=schinese_pinyin_m');
for i in 1..length(p_name) loop
v_compare := f_nlssort(substr(p_name, i, 1));
if v_compare >= f_nlssort('吖 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('驁') then
v_return := v_return || 'a';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('八 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('簿') then
v_return := v_return || 'b';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('嚓 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('錯') then
v_return := v_return || 'c';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('咑 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('鵽') then
v_return := v_return || 'd';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('妸 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('樲') then
v_return := v_return || 'e';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('發 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('猤') then
v_return := v_return || 'f';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('旮 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('腂') then
v_return := v_return || 'g';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('妎 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('夻') then
v_return := v_return || 'h';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('丌 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('攈') then
v_return := v_return || 'j';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('咔 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('穒') then
v_return := v_return || 'k';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('垃 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('擽') then
v_return := v_return || 'l';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('嘸 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('椧') then
v_return := v_return || 'm';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('拏 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('瘧') then
v_return := v_return || 'n';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('筽 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('漚') then
v_return := v_return || 'o';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('妑 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('曝') then
v_return := v_return || 'p';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('七 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('裠') then
v_return := v_return || 'q';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('亽 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('鶸') then
v_return := v_return || 'r';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('仨 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('蜶') then
v_return := v_return || 's';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('侤 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('籜') then
v_return := v_return || 't';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('屲 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('鶩') then
v_return := v_return || 'w';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('夕 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('鑂') then
v_return := v_return || 'x';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('丫 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('韻') then
v_return := v_return || 'y';
elsif v_compare >= f_nlssort('帀 ') and v_compare <= f_nlssort('咗') then
v_return := v_return || 'z';
end if;
end loop;
return v_return;
schinese_radical_m 按照部首(第一順序)、筆劃(第二順序)排序
schinese_stroke_m 按照筆劃(第一順序)、部首(第二順序)排序
schinese_pinyin_m 按照拼音排序
按拼音:alter session set nls_sort = schinese_pinyin_m;
按筆畫:alter session set nls_sort = schinese_stroke_m;
按偏旁:alter session set nls_sort = nls_sort=schinese_radical_m;
按照筆劃排序:select * from dept order by nlssort(name,'nls_sort=schinese_stroke_m');
按照部首排序:select * from dept order by nlssort(name,'nls_sort=schinese_radical_m');
按照拼音排序,此為系統的預設排序方式:select * from dept order by nlssort(name,'nls_sort=schinese_pinyin_m');
set nls_sort=schinese_radical_m ;export nls_sort (sh)
setenv nls_sort schinese_radical_m (csh)
hklc/software/oracle/home0/nls_sort (win登錄檔)
有個專案需要用到生成漢字的首字母,但從網上查了一下,對於多音字的處理都不是很好,所以就利用pinyin4j這個工具包自己寫了乙個。用到的jar包是pinyin4j 2.5.0.jar 獲取拼音首字母,多音字用逗號隔開 public static string getfirstspell string...
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