select e3.`reportingemployeeid` as level0,e2.`reportingemployeeid` as level1,e1.`reportingemployeeid` as level2,e1.`employeeid` as level3
from empreporting e1
left join empreporting e2 on e1.`reportingemployeeid` = e2.`employeeid`
left join empreporting e3 on e2.`reportingemployeeid` = e3.`employeeid`
level0 level1 level2 level3
\n \n 379 369
\n 379 484 372
\n \n \n 379
level0 level1 level2 level3
379 369 \n \n
379 484 372 \n
379 \n \n \n
最佳答案 最後寫的查詢
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then e3.`reportingemployeeid`+1000000
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then e2.`reportingemployeeid`
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then e1.`reportingemployeeid`
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`employeeid` is not null then e1.`employeeid`
end as level0,
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then e2.`reportingemployeeid`
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then e1.`reportingemployeeid`
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then e1.`employeeid`
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`employeeid` is not null then null
end as level1,
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then e1.`reportingemployeeid`
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then e1.`employeeid`
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then null
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`employeeid` is not null then null
end as level2,
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then e1.`employeeid`
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then null
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`reportingemployeeid` is not null then null
when e3.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e2.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`reportingemployeeid` is null and e1.`employeeid` is not null then null
end as level3
from empreporting e1
left join empreporting e2 on e1.`reportingemployeeid` = e2.`employeeid`
left join empreporting e3 on e2.`reportingemployeeid` = e3.`employeeid`
mysql 移動列的順序
mysql資料庫工具好像沒有調表列順序的功能,但是我們可以通過sql語句實現。語句 quote alter table 表名 modify 欄位名 字段型別 after 字段 quote 舉例 1 把user name列移動到password後面 alter table employee modif...
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mysql 新增列,修改列,刪除列
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