客戶現場有一台x86的伺服器,客戶現場還有一台fp5466g2 k1 powerlinux的伺服器。
[root@gpfs1001 ssl]# cp id_rsa_new.pub accesing_id_rsa.pub
[root@gpfs1001 ~]# mmauth update . -l authonly
mmauth: propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes.
mmauth: command successfully completed
[root@gpfs1001 ssl]# scp accesing_id_rsa.pub
[root@gpfs-remote ~]# mmauth genkey new
mmauth: command successfully completed
[root@gpfs-remote ssl]# cp id_rsa_new.pub owningcluster_id_rsa.pub
[root@gpfs-remote gpfs-remote]# mmauth update . -l authonly
mmauth: command successfully completed
[root@gpfs-remote ssl]# scp owningcluster_id_rsa.pub root@gpfs1001:~/
[root@gpfs-remote ~]# mmauth add gpfspoc.gpfs1001 -k accesing_id_rsa.pub
mmauth: command successfully completed
[root@gpfs-remote ~]# mmauth grant gpfspoc.gpfs1001 -f gpfsremote
mmauth: granting cluster gpfspoc.gpfs1001 access to file system gpfsremote:
mmauth: command successfully completed
在access_cluster上新增owningcluster上檔案系統,指定節點(gpfs-remote ip要寫在/etc/hosts)
root@gpfs1001 ssl]# mmremotecluster add gpfsremote.gpfs-remote -n gpfs-remote -k /root/owningcluster_id_rsa.pub
mmremotecluster: command successfully completed
mmremotecluster: propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. this is an asynchronous process.
[root@gpfs1001 ssl]# mmremotefs add db12 -f gpfsremote -c gpfsremote.gpfs-remote -t /db12
mmremotefs: propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. this is an asynchronous process.
[root@gpfs1001 ssl]# mmmount db12
mon mar 1 15:40:23 cst 2021: mmmount: mounting file systems ...
db12 gpfs檔案系統就可以通過gpfs101來進行訪問了。
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