沒啥事的時候,總結出了一點點 相關的筆記, 有需要的拿去!!! 不需要的, 路過就行 ! ! !
* **標籤集合
*/private list
當我封裝好物件時 ,寫完sql時進行分頁查詢時測試時發現分頁的資料不準確,分頁總條數不準確 因為內巢狀陣列原因,mybatis會自動進行聚合,和在資料庫顯示的條數不一致,在顯示json資訊時,比如資料庫的sql查詢時顯示10條資訊 , json分頁顯示時為8條資訊 , json分頁顯示總頁數為10條資訊 這樣就造成了總頁數不準確,前端獲取分頁時產生分頁bug解決sql如下
"query**********select" resulttype=
mu.**********_title as title,
mu.**********_id as **********id,
mu.file_type as filetype,
le.lecturer as lecturer,
le.lecturer_desc as lecturerdesc,
mu.**********_type as **********type,
mu.file_path as filepath,
le.good_skills as goodskills,
le.`desc` as `desc`,
mu.create_time as createtime,
mu.update_time as updatetime,
mu.create_user as createuser,
mu.update_user as updateuser,
us.user_name updatename,
cs.user_name createname,
mu.local_file_name as localfilename
********** mu
left join lecturer le on le.**********_id = mu.**********_id
left join **********_tag_relation mtr on mtr.**********_id = le.**********_id
left join `user` cs on cs.user_id = mu.create_user
left join `user` us on us.user_id = mu.update_user
if test=
"dto.title != null and dto.title !=''"
and mu.**********_title like concat
if test=
"dto.lecturer != null and dto.lecturer !=''"
and le.lecturer like concat
if test=
"dto.type !=null and dto.type != ''"
and mu.**********_type= #
if test=
"dto.createstarttime !=null"
and mu.create_time >= #
if test=
"dto.createendtime !=null"
and mu.create_time <
= #>
if test=
"dto.unupdatemessage == 1 and dto.unupdatemessage!=null "
and (le.lecturer_desc is not null and le.good_skills is not null and le.desc is not null)
if test=
"dto.unupdatemessage == 2 and dto.unupdatemessage!=null "
and (le.lecturer_desc is null and le.good_skills is null and le.desc is null)
if test=
"dto.unchooselabel ==1 and dto.unchooselabel!=null "
and mtr.tag_id is not null
if test=
"dto.unchooselabel ==2 and dto.unchooselabel!=null "
and mtr.tag_id is null
if test=
"dto.tagid != null and dto.tagid.size != 0 "
and mtr.tag_id in
"dto.tagid" item=
"tagid" open=
"(" separator=
"," close=
group by mu.**********_id) as a
order by a.createtime desc
"selecttagids" resulttype=
tag_id as tagid
from **********_tag_relation
兩個都用於分頁,常用的應該是pagehelper了,使用方法是 pagehelper.startpage 然後後邊寫sql就可以。緊接著的乙個sql起作用。ipage則需要在dao層傳入ipage的實現類page物件,該物件實現了ipage。區別 pagehelper內部原理是將傳入的頁碼和條數賦值...
systemtap embedded C 踩坑筆記
官方文件 systemtap的embedded c中,不能 include 也不能用printf和print。那怎麼列印呢?用stap printf。用法與printf一樣。還可以訪問cript中的全域性變數。官方文件中的示例 global var global var2 100 function ...
Aggregation MongoDB踩坑記錄
對某些篩選條件進行分頁查詢,開始每一頁的有效data都不足pagesize,最後發現,aggregation 的pipeline是有先後順序的。錯誤 agg aggregation.newaggregation aggregation.skip curpage 1 pagesize aggregat...