MySQL醫生表 mysql常用操作示例

2021-10-19 19:15:17 字數 1068 閱讀 2300

sudo rpm -uvh

2 安裝mysql:

yum install mysql mysql-server mysql-libs mysql-server

3 啟動mysql服務:

service mysqld start

4 開機啟動:

chkconfig mysqld on


mysql -u root -p


mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by '123456';


mysql>flush privileges;


source /root/jxw.sql


drop database jxw;

create database jxw;

use jxw;

set names utf8mb4;

set foreign_key_checks = 0;

-- table structure for city

drop table if exists `city`;

create table `city` (

`id` bigint(20) not null auto_increment,

`name` varchar(255) default null,

`state` varchar(255) default null,

primary key (`id`)

) engine=innodb auto_increment=3 default charset=utf8 comment='市級資訊';

-- records of city


insert into `city` values (1, '石家莊', '河北');

insert into `city` values (2, '邯鄲', '河北');


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select from information schema.tables where table schema 資料庫名 select from information schema.columns where table schema 資料庫名 and table name 表名 select ...

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