使用範圍:linux、mac osx
1、mac os
brew install fcrackzip
apt-get install fcrackzip
wget -p /server/data
#install cert-forensics-tools-release-el7 rpm:
rpm -uvh cert-forensics-tools-release*rpm
#install fcrackzip rpm package:
yum --enablerepo=forensics install fcrackzip
重要引數:fcrackzip version 1.0, a fast/free zip password cracker
written by marc lehmann you can find more info on
usage: fcrackzip
[-b|--brute-force] use brute force algorithm
[-d|--dictionary] use a dictionary
[-b|--benchmark] execute a small benchmark
[-c|--charset characterset] use characters from charset
[-h|--help] show this message
[--version] show the version of this program
[-v|--validate] sanity-check the algortihm
[-v|--verbose] be more verbose
[-p|--init-password string] use string as initial password/file
[-l|--length min-max] check password with length min to max
[-u|--use-unzip] use unzip to weed out wrong passwords
[-m|--method num] use method number "num" (see below)
[-2|--modulo r/m] only calculcate 1/m of the password
file... the zipfiles to crack
methods compiled in (* = default):
0: cpmask
1: zip1
*2: zip2, use_mult_tab
工具實踐:我現在壓縮乙個檔案加個密-c 指定字符集,字符集 格式只能為 -c 'aa1!:'
a 表示小寫字母[a-z]
a 表示大寫字母[a-z]
1 表示阿拉伯數字[0-9]
! 感嘆號表示特殊字元[!:$%&/()=?+*~#]
: 表示包含冒號之後的字元(不能為二進位制的空字元),例如 a1:$% 表示 字符集包含小寫字母、數字、$字元和%百分號
zip -rp a231 test.zip a.txt
寫在最後:fcrackzip -b -c 'a1' -l 1-5 -u test.zip
# *** -u 很重要,這是僅顯示破解出來的密碼,不然你看不到了就很尬了***
# d p引數帶上即可
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