mysql 排序id mysql怎麼按特定id排序

2021-10-18 21:01:37 字數 1941 閱讀 8281



set foreign_key_checks=0;

-- table structure for `p`

drop table if exists `p`;

create table `p` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,

`name` varchar(255) default null,

`categories_id` int(11) default null,

primary key (`id`)

) engine=myisam auto_increment=7 default charset=utf8;

-- records of p

insert into `p` values ('1', 'jimmy', '2');

insert into `p` values ('2', 'tina', '2');

insert into `p` values ('3', 'dd', '2');

insert into `p` values ('4', 'hello', '2');

insert into `p` values ('5', 'world', '2');

insert into `p` values ('6', 'slucky', '2');

set foreign_key_checks=0;

-- table structure for `p_sort`

drop table if exists `p_sort`;

create table `p_sort` (

`categories_id` int(10) not null default '0',

`best_sort_person_id` varchar(100) default null,

primary key (`categories_id`)

) engine=myisam default charset=utf8;

-- records of p_sort

insert into `p_sort` values ('2', '2,5,1');


select * from p, p_sort

order by find_in_set(, p_sort.best_sort_person_id)>0 desc, find_in_set(, p_sort.best_sort_person_id) asc, id

find_in_set(, p_sort.best_sort_person_id)>0 desc 用於將id=2,5,1的排在前面

find_in_set(, p_sort.best_sort_person_id) asc 用於將id=2,5,1的按出現次序排列



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