mysql 游標 時間型別 mysql 游標型別

2021-10-18 18:38:07 字數 4445 閱讀 5614



delimiter $$

use `realwar`$$

drop procedure if exists `queryremainspoints`$$

create definer=`root`@`%` procedure `queryremainspoints`(

/*in startsize int,

in pagesize int,startsize,分頁的起始位置,pagesize 分頁的大小,

in queryusername varchar(100),/*queryusername根據使用者名字來查詢,

in remainp int,

in remainp1 int,/*remainp 使用者剩餘軍餉小,remainp1剩餘軍餉大

in sump int,

in sump1 int, payp 使用者充值總額小,payp 總金額大

in rats int ,

in rats1 int滯留率查詢*/


declare usernames varchar(50);

declare nickname varchar(50);

declare sumpoints int;

declare remainpoint int;

declare daypay int default 0;

declare daycost int;

declare sumcost int;

declare dayremainrats varchar(50);

declare sumremainrats varchar(50);

declare    over int default 0;


/*if(queryusername is not null)else{

declare usernamecur cursor for select rp.username as username from realwar_tool.play_money_pay_log rp group by (rp.username);

declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000'set username = null;*/

declare usernamecur cursor for select rp.username  from realwar_tool.play_money_pay_log rp group by (rp.username);

declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000'set usernames = null;


drop  table if exists realwar.temp_remainspoints;

create temporary table realwar.temp_remainspoints(

sid int(10) primary key auto_increment,

username1 varchar(100),

nickname1 varchar(100),

sumpoints1 int(10),

remainpoints1 int(10),

daypay1  int(10),

daycost1 int(10),

dayremainrats1 varchar(10),

sumremainrats1 varchar(10)

open usernamecur;/*開啟游標*/

/*usernamecur:loop */

fetch usernamecur into usernames;/*迴圈游標,給username賦值*/

while(usernames is not null) do


select (rp.nickname) into nickname  from realwar.playbaseinfo rp where rp.username = usernames;


select sum(r1.change_money)*10 into daypay from realwar_tool.play_money_pay_log r1 where r1.username=usernames and year(from_unixtime(r1.dateline)) = year(sysdate())

and month(from_unixtime(r1.dateline)) = month(sysdate()) and date(from_unixtime(r1.dateline)) = date(sysdate());

if(daypay  is null) then

select 0 into daypay from dual;

end if;


select sum(r1.change_money*10) into sumpoints from realwar_tool.play_money_pay_log  r1 where r1.username = usernames;

if (sumpoints is null) then

select 0 into sumpoints from dual;

end if;


select sum(t1.price) into daycost  from realwar.t_consumption t1 where t1.username = usernames  and year(str_to_date(t1.consumdate,'%y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s')) = year(sysdate())

and month(str_to_date(t1.consumdate,'%y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s')) = month(sysdate()) and date(str_to_date(t1.consumdate,'%y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s')) = date(sysdate());

if (daycost is null) then

select 0 into daycost from dual;

end if;


select sum(t2.price) into sumcost from realwar.t_consumption t2 where t2.username = usernames;

if (sumcost is null) then

select 0 into sumcost from dual;

end if;


if(daypay!=0) then

select floor((daypay-daycost)/daypay*100) into dayremainrats from dual;


select 0 into dayremainrats from dual;

end if;



select floor((sumpoints-sumcost)/sumpoints*100) into sumremainrats from dual;


select 0 into sumremainrats from dual;

end if;


insert into temp_remainspoints set username1=usernames,nickname1= nickname,sumpoints1= sumpoints,

remainpoints1= (sumpoints-sumcost),daypay1 = daypay,daycost1= daycost,dayremainrats1 = dayremainrats,sumremainrats1= sumremainrats;

fetch usernamecur into usernames;/*迴圈游標,給username賦值*/

end while;

/*end loop;*/

close usernamecur;


select username1,nickname1,sumpoints1,remainpoints1,daypay1,daycost1,dayremainrats1,sumremainrats1

from temp_remainspoints;


delimiter ;

mysql游標型別 MySQL 游標

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mysql 游標型別

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