python字首 python字首和演算法

2021-10-18 15:00:21 字數 2660 閱讀 2517

我試圖理解字首和概念背後的思想,看看codity here(蘑菇揀選器問題)在字首和課程中給出的例子


值(p(pos_right+1))—值(p(pos_left))。在a 1 2 3 4 5 6

p 0 1 3 6 10 15 21

sum of all elements between a[2] and a[5] = 3+ 4 + 5 = 12

or using the prefix sums" p[5+1] - p[2] = 15 -3 = 12the problem

there is a street with mushroom at every place represented

by a non-empty vector. given the initial position of a picker and its

movement range, possible maximum number of mushrooms to collect is

looked for.




^$我已經為乙個小陣列a= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]執行了一些例子,選擇了位置k=5和範圍m=3。我不明白建立兩個迴圈檢查的範圍的邏輯。在

我得到了迴圈的以下引數(p=, left_pos=, right_pos=)

loop 1 (0,5,8), (1,4,6),(2,3,5),(3,2,5)

loop 2 (0,2,5), (1,4,6), (2,5,7), (3,5,8)


用於除錯的版本def mushrooms2(a, k, m):

n = len(a)

result = 0

pref = prefix_sums(a)

l1 =min(m, k) + 1

print 'loop p in xrange(min(m, k) + 1): %d' % l1

for p in xrange(min(m, k) + 1):

print 'p %d' % p

print 'a= %r' % a

print 'pref= %r' % pref

left_pos = k - p

right_pos = min(n - 1, max(k, k + m - 2 * p))

result = max(result, count_total(pref, left_pos, right_pos))

print 'left_pos = k - p= %d' % left_pos

print 'right_pos= min(n-1,max(k,k+m-2*p))= %d' % right_pos

print 'max'

print '(result %d' % result

print 'count_total(pref, left_pos, right_pos)) %r, %r, %r, %r' % (pref,left_pos, right_pos,count_total(pref, left_pos, right_pos))

print 'result= %d' % result

print 'next p'

l2=min(m + 1, n - k)

print 'loop xrange(min(m + 1, n - k)): %d' % l2

for p in xrange(min(m + 1, n - k)):

print 'p %d' % p

print 'a= %r' % a

print 'pref= %r' % pref

right_pos = k + p

left_pos = max(0, min(k, k - (m - 2 * p)))

result = max(result, count_total(pref, left_pos, right_pos))

print 'right_pos = k + p= %d' % right_pos

print 'left_pos = max(0, min(k, k - (m - 2 * p)))= %d' % left_pos

print 'max'

print '(result %d' % result

print 'count_total(pref, left_pos, right_pos)) %r, %r, %r, %r' % (pref,left_pos, right_pos,count_total(pref, left_pos, right_pos))

print 'result= %d' % result

print 'next p'

print 'result %d' % result

return result


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