select * from analysis_result where result regexp '上海|內蒙古' limit 1;
"且"select * from analysis_result where id = 1 and result regexp '上海' and result regexp '雲南' limit 1;
select * from analysis_result where id = 1 and result like '%上海%' and result like '%雲南%' limit 1;
update analysis_result set result=replace(result,'3g','mobile') where result_type = 'pcnum';
3.betweeen and 與 >= ,決不能等同於 in
select count(1) from default.user where univname regexp '上海' and univyear between 2011 and 2013;
select count(1) from default.user where univname regexp '上海' and univyear >= 2011 and univyear <= 2013;
select count(1) from default.user where univname regexp '上海' and univyear in (2010, 2013);
select a.collegename, a.allcount from (select collegename, count(id) as allcount from default.user where collegename != '\n' group by collegename) a sort by a.allcount desc
5.資料顯示 \n 的值,需要用 = '\\n' 去查詢,非的時候就用 != '\n'
insert overwrite local directory '/tmp/result.txt' select id,name from t_test;
hive -e "select count(id), friendcount from default.user where id > 0 and birthday != '\\n' group by friendcount" > friendcount.txt
hive -e "select * from default.user where id > 0 and birthday != '\\n' group by friendcount limit 10000" > user.txt
如下面會把 \n曬進來
select * from user where regtime > '2014-01-01' limit 10
select * from user where regtime != '\\n' and regtime > '2014-01-01' limit 10;
select a.univname, a.allcount from (select univname, count(id) as allcount from default.user where univname != '\n' group by univname) a sort by a.allcount desc
mysql語句高階 Mysql高階SQL語句
show columns from table name from database name 或show columns from database name.table name 或show fields 解釋 顯示表中列名稱 和 desc table name 命令的效果是一樣的 檢視連線數,...
mysql執行語句 mysql執行sql語句過程
流程概述 mysql得到sql語句後,大概流程如下 1.sql的解析器 負責解析和 sql 2.預處理器 對解析後的sql樹進行驗證 3.查詢優化器 得到乙個執行計畫 4.查詢執行引擎 得到資料結果集 5.將資料放回給呼叫端。流程圖如下所示 分發器及快取階段 首先,如果系統的快取功能開啟著的話,sq...
mysql基本語句例子 mysql常用的語句示例
登陸資料庫 mysql hlocalhost uroot p123456 u後面是使用者名稱 p後面是賬號密碼 h後面是host 檢視資料庫列表 show databases 建立資料庫 create database test 刪除資料庫 drop database test 使用資料庫 use ...