mysql老是掛 mysql頻繁掛掉

2021-10-18 11:54:45 字數 954 閱讀 7050



2020-04-22t05:18:18.840523z 0 [error] innodb: mmap(137428992 bytes) failed; errno 12

2020-04-22t05:18:18.840530z 0 [error] innodb: cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool

2020-04-22t05:18:18.840537z 0 [error] innodb: plugin initialization aborted with error generic error

2020-04-22t05:18:18.840544z 0 [error] plugin 'innodb' init function returned error.

2020-04-22t05:18:18.840548z 0 [error] plugin 'innodb' registration as a storage engine failed.

2020-04-22t05:18:18.840552z 0 [error] failed to initialize builtin plugins.

2020-04-22t05:18:18.840561z 0 [error] aborting


innodb_buffer_pool_size = 64m


1) dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1m count=1024

2) mkswap /swapfile

3) swapon /swapfile

4) 新增這行: /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 到 /etc/fstab


mysql經常掛掉 mysql老是掛的問題

190629 10 44 21 error mysqld out of memory needed 128917504 bytes 190629 10 44 21 error mysqld out of memory needed 96681984 bytes 190629 10 44 23 inn...

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檢視某個表所佔空間,以及碎片大小。select table name,engine,table rows,data length index length length,data free from information schema.tables where table schema test ...

mysql頻繁鎖邊原因排查 MySQL 碎片

檢視某個表所佔空間,以及碎片大小。select table name,engine,table rows,data length index length length,data free from information schema.tables where table schema test ...