有時為了得到完整的結果,我們需要從兩個或者更多的表中獲取資料,這時join就派上用場了。它可以基於這些表之間的共同欄位把表結合起來。它有幾種形式,分別為:join、inner join、left join、right join等等。其中join和inner join相同,這裡以join的用法來代表兩者。
資料來源create table `student` ( `id` int(10) not null auto_increment comment '主鍵id', `sname` varchar(10) default null comment '學生姓名', `sno` int(11) default null comment '學號', `school_id` int(10) default null comment '學校id', primary key (`id`) ) engine=innodb auto_increment=4 default charset=utf8;
create table `school` ( `id` int(10) not null auto_increment comment '主鍵id', `school_name` varchar(10) default null comment '學校名稱', primary key (`id`) ) engine=innodb auto_increment=4 default charset=utf8;
insert into `student` (`id`, `sname`, `sno`, `school_id`) values ('1', '琚建飛', '130', '1');
insert into `student` (`id`, `sname`, `sno`, `school_id`) values ('2', '張三', '131', '2');
insert into `student` (`id`, `sname`, `sno`, `school_id`) values ('3', '李四', '132', '3');
insert into `school` (`id`, `school_name`) values ('1', '廊坊師範');
insert into `school` (`id`, `school_name`) values ('2', '清華大學');
insert into `school` (`id`, `school_name`) values ('3', '北京大學');
mysql> select s.sname,sc.school_name from student s join school sc on s.school_id = sc.id; +--------+-------------+
| sname | school_name | +--------+-------------+
| 琚建飛 | 廊坊師範 |
| 張三 | 清華大學 |
| 李四 | 北京大學 | +--------+-------------+
3 rows in set
left join
left join會返回左表中的所有行,即使在右表中無匹配行。
mysql> select s.sname,sc.school_name from student s join school sc on s.school_id = sc.id; +--------+-------------+
| sname | school_name | +--------+-------------+
| 琚建飛 | 廊坊師範 | +--------+-------------+
1 row in set
//left join的效果
mysql> select s.sname,sc.school_name from student s left join school sc on s.school_id = sc.id; +--------+-------------+
| sname | school_name | +--------+-------------+
| 琚建飛 | 廊坊師範 |
| 張三 | null |
| 李四 | null | +--------+-------------+
3 rows in set
right join
right join關鍵字會返回在右表所有的行,即使在左表中沒有匹配的行。
mysql> select s.sname,sc.school_name from student s right join school sc on s.school_id = sc.id; +--------+-------------+
| sname | school_name | +--------+-------------+
| 琚建飛 | 廊坊師範 |
| null | 清華大學 |
| null | 北京大學 | +--------+-------------+
3 rows in set
列出所有連線表的全部資料。mysql不支援full outer join關鍵字。替代格式為:
mysql> select * from student s left join school sc on s.school_id = sc.id
select * from student s right join school sc on s.school_id = sc.id;
| id | sname | sno | school_id | id | school_name |
| 1 | 琚建飛 | 130 | 1 | 1 | 廊坊師範 |
| 2 | 張三 | 131 | 4 | null | null |
| 3 | 李四 | 132 | 5 | null | null |
| null | null | null | null | 2 | 清華大學 |
| null | null | null | null | 3 | 北京大學 |
5 rows in set
union 操作符用於合併兩個或多個 select 語句的結果集。語法格式為:
select column_name(s) from table_name1 union select column_name(s) from table_name2
預設地,union 操作符選取不同的值。如果允許重複的值,請使用 union all。
insert into student(sname,sno,school_id) values('王五',130,1);//使用union
mysql> select school_id from student union select id from school; +-----------+ | school_id |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 | +-----------+
5 rows in set
//使用union all
mysql> select school_id from student union all select id from school; +-----------+ | school_id |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 1 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 | +-----------+
6 rows in set
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