c 獲得cpu廠商 獲取CPU占有率的C 類

2021-10-18 05:23:49 字數 4782 閱讀 6573


#pragma once

#define systembasicinformation 0

#define systemperformanceinformation 2

#define systemtimeinformation 3

#define li2double(x) ((double)((x).highpart) * 4.294967296e9 + (double)((x).lowpart))

class ccpuusage





int getcpuusage(); //得到系統cpu利用率

int setrefreshinterval(int milli_sec); //定時重新整理間隔



typedef long (winapi *procntqsi)(uint,pvoid,ulong,pulong);

typedef struct

dword dwunknown1;

ulong ukemaximumincrement;

ulong upagesize;

ulong ummnumberofphysicalpages;

ulong ummlowestphysicalpage;

ulong ummhighestphysicalpage;

ulong uallocationgranularity;

pvoid plowestuseraddress;

pvoid pmmhighestuseraddress;

ulong ukeactiveprocessors;

byte bkenumberprocessors;

byte bunknown2;

word wunknown3;

} system_basic_information;

typedef struct

large_integer liidletime;

dword dwspare[76];

} system_performance_information;

typedef struct

large_integer likeboottime;

large_integer likesystemtime;

large_integer liexptimezonebias;

ulong ucurrenttimezoneid;

dword dwreserved;

} system_time_information;


system_performance_information sysperfinfo;

system_time_information systimeinfo;

system_basic_information sysbaseinfo;

double dbidletime;

double dbsystemtime;

long status;

large_integer lioldidletime;

large_integer lioldsystemtime;

procntqsi ntquerysysteminformation;

int m_ncpuusage;


hwnd m_hwnd;

int m_nrefreshinterval;//預設為1000毫秒

int m_ntimerid;


static void calccpuusage(hwnd hwnd, uint umsg, uint_ptr idevent, dword dwtime);

int ontimer();

inline ccpuusage::ccpuusage()

m_hwnd = null;

m_nrefreshinterval = 1000;

m_ntimerid = 1000;

m_ncpuusage = 0;

memset(&lioldidletime , 0, sizeof(large_integer));

memset(&lioldsystemtime, 0, sizeof(large_integer));

ntquerysysteminformation = (procntqsi)getprocaddress(

getmodulehandle("ntdll") , "ntquerysysteminformation");

if (!ntquerysysteminformation)


// get number of processors in the system

status = ntquerysysteminformation(systembasicinformation,&sysbaseinfo,sizeof(sysbaseinfo),null);

if (status != no_error)


// create control for timer

m_hwnd = ::createwindow("static", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, 0, null);

::setwindowlong(m_hwnd , gwl_userdata , (long)(this) );

timerproc tp = (timerproc)calccpuusage;

settimer(m_hwnd , m_ntimerid, m_nrefreshinterval, tp);

inline ccpuusage::~ccpuusage()

killtimer(m_hwnd , m_ntimerid);


inline void ccpuusage::calccpuusage(

hwnd hwnd,

uint umsg,

uint_ptr idevent,

dword dwtime

ccpuusage* pcpu = (ccpuusage*)::getwindowlong(hwnd , gwl_userdata);

if ( pcpu )


inline int ccpuusage::ontimer()

status = ntquerysysteminformation(systemtimeinformation,&systimeinfo,sizeof(systimeinfo),0);

if (status!=no_error)

return 0;

// get new cpu's idle time

status = ntquerysysteminformation(systemperformanceinformation,&sysperfinfo,sizeof(sysperfinfo),null);

if (status != no_error)

return 0;

// if it's a first call - skip it

if (lioldidletime.quadpart != 0)

// currentvalue = newvalue - oldvalue

dbidletime = li2double(sysperfinfo.liidletime) - li2double(lioldidletime);

dbsystemtime = li2double(systimeinfo.likesystemtime) - li2double(lioldsystemtime);

// currentcpuidle = idletime / systemtime

dbidletime = dbidletime / dbsystemtime;

// currentcpuusage% = 100 - (currentcpuidle * 100) / numberofprocessors

dbidletime = 100.0 - dbidletime * 100.0 / (double)sysbaseinfo.bkenumberprocessors + 0.5;

m_ncpuusage = (uint)dbidletime;

// store new cpu's idle and system time

lioldidletime = sysperfinfo.liidletime;

lioldsystemtime = systimeinfo.likesystemtime;

// wait one second

return 0;

inline int ccpuusage::getcpuusage()

return m_ncpuusage;

inline int ccpuusage::setrefreshinterval(int milli_sec)

m_nrefreshinterval = milli_sec;

if ( m_hwnd )

timerproc tp = (timerproc)calccpuusage;

settimer(m_hwnd, m_ntimerid, m_nrefreshinterval ,tp);

return 0;


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