mysql 備份與恢復 Mysql 備份與恢復

2021-10-18 02:28:56 字數 3148 閱讀 3576





執行帶 /prepare/選項的 /mariabackup/命令會使資料檔案進行統一,達到資料一

致性的目的,從而將其還原到mariadb server後不會有異常。

使用增量備份時,需要 prepare 選項 和 incremental-dir 選項配合使用


mariabackup --prepare --target-dri=/home/mysql/backup --user root

示例:mariabackup --user root --prepare --target-dir=./

mariabackup based on mariadb server 10.2.25-mariadb linux (x86_64)

[00] 2019-08-09 01:07:25 cd to /home/mysql/backup/

[00] 2019-08-09 01:07:25 this target seems to be not prepared yet.

[00] 2019-08-09 01:07:25 mariabackup: using the following innodb configuration for recovery:

[00] 2019-08-09 01:07:25 innodb_data_home_dir = .

[00] 2019-08-09 01:07:25 innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12m:autoextend

[00] 2019-08-09 01:07:25 innodb_log_group_home_dir = .

[00] 2019-08-09 01:07:25 innodb: using linux native aio

[00] 2019-08-09 01:07:25 starting innodb instance for recovery.

[00] 2019-08-09 01:07:25 mariabackup: using 104857600 bytes for buffer pool (set by --use-memory parameter)

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: mutexes and rw_locks use gcc atomic builtins

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: uses event mutexes

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: compressed tables use zlib 1.2.7

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: using linux native aio

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: number of pools: 1

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: using sse2 crc32 instructions

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: initializing buffer pool, total size = 100m, instances = 1, chunk size = 100m

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: completed initialization of buffer pool

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813501150976 [note] innodb: page_cleaner coordinator priority: -20

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: highest supported file format is barracuda.

2019-08-09 1:07:25 139813761947776 [note] innodb: starting crash recovery from checkpoint lsn=793366562214

2019-08-09 1:07:27 139813761947776 [note] innodb: starting a batch to recover 7054 pages from redo log.

2019-08-09 1:07:40 139813559899904 [note] innodb: to recover: 2396 pages from log

2019-08-09 1:07:55 139813761947776 [note] innodb: read redo log up to lsn=793393743872

2019-08-09 1:07:55 139813761947776 [note] innodb: starting a batch to recover 6218 pages from redo log.

2019-08-09 1:08:10 139813543114496 [note] innodb: to recover: 1785 pages from log

2019-08-09 1:08:21 139813761947776 [note] innodb: starting final batch to recover 3572 pages from redo log.

2019-08-09 1:08:25 139813559899904 [note] innodb: to recover: 1325 pages from log

2019-08-09 1:08:29 139813761947776 [note] innodb: last binlog file './mysql-bin.000939', position 48267434

[00] 2019-08-09 01:08:30 last binlog file ./mysql-bin.000939, position 48267434

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