1 create tablebook (2 bid char(10) not null,3 title char(50) default null,4 author char(20) default null,5 primary key(bid)6 );7 insert into book values ('b001', '人生若只如初見', '安意如');8 insert into book values ('b002', '入學那天遇見你', '晴空');9 insert into book values ('b003', '感謝折磨你的人', '如娜');10 insert into book values ('b004', '我不是教你詐', '劉庸');11 insert into book values ('b005', '英語四級', '白雪');12 create tableborrow (13 borrowid char(10) not null,14 stuid char(10) default null,15 bid char(10) default null,16 t_time varchar(50) default null,17 b_time varchar(50) default null,18 primary key(borrowid)19 ) ;20 insert into borrow values ('t001', '1001', 'b001', '2007-12-26 00:00:00', null);21 insert into borrow values ('t002', '1004', 'b003', '2008-01-05 00:00:00', null);22 insert into borrow values ('t003', '1005', 'b001', '2007-10-08 00:00:00', '2007-12-25 00:00:00');23 insert into borrow values ('t004', '1005', 'b002', '2007-12-16 00:00:00', '2008-01-07 00:00:00');24 insert into borrow values ('t005', '1002', 'b004', '2007-12-22 00:00:00', null);25 insert into borrow values ('t006', '1005', 'b005', '2008-01-06 00:00:00', null);26 insert into borrow values ('t007', '1002', 'b001', '2007-09-11 00:00:00', null);27 insert into borrow values ('t008', '1005', 'b004', '2007-12-10 00:00:00', null);28 insert into borrow values ('t009', '1004', 'b005', '2007-10-16 00:00:00', '2007-12-18 00:00:00');29 insert into borrow values ('t010', '1002', 'b002', '2007-09-15 00:00:00', '2008-01-05 00:00:00');30 insert into borrow values ('t011', '1004', 'b003', '2007-12-28 00:00:00', null);31 insert into borrow values ('t012', '1002', 'b003', '2007-12-30 00:00:00', null);32
33 create tablestudent (34 stuid char(10) not null,35 stuname varchar(10) default null,36 major varchar(50) default null,37 primary key(stuid)38 );39
40 insert into student values ('1001', '林林', '計算機');41 insert into student values ('1002', '白楊', '計算機');42 insert into student values ('1003', '虎子', '英語');43 insert into student values ('1004', '北漂的雪', '工商管理');44 insert into student values ('1005', '五月', '數學');45
46 /*
47 1. 查詢「計算機」專業學生在「2007-12-15」至「2008-1-8」時間段內借書的學生編號、學生名稱、圖書編號、圖書名稱、借出日期;48 2. 查詢所有借過圖書的學生編號、學生名稱、專業;49 3. 查詢沒有借過圖書的學生編號、學生名稱、專業;50 4. 查詢借過作者為「安意如」的圖書的學生姓名、圖書名稱、借出日期、歸還日期;51 5. 查詢借過書但有書未歸還的學生編號、學生名稱、圖書編號、圖書名稱、借出日期52 6. 查詢目前借書但未歸還圖書的學生名稱及未還圖書數量;53 */
54 --查詢「計算機」專業學生在「2007-12-15」至「2008-1-8」時間段內借書的學生編號、學生名稱、圖書編號、圖書名稱、借出日期;
55 select
56 t1.stuid,57 t1.stuname,58 t3.bid,59 t3.title,60 t2.t_time61 from
62 student t1,63 borrow t2,64 book t365 where
66 t1.stuid=t2.stuid and
67 t3.bid=t2.bid and
68 t1.major='計算機' and
69 t2.t_time between '2007-12-15' and '2008-1-8';70 --查詢所有借過圖書的學生編號、學生名稱、專業;
71 select
72 distinct
73 t2.stuid,74 t2.stuname,75 t2.major76 from
77 borrow t1,78 student t279 where
80 t1.stuid=t2.stuid81 --3. 查詢沒有借過圖書的學生編號、學生名稱、專業;
83 select
84 student.stuid,85 student.stuname,86 student.major87 from
88 student89 where student.stuid not in(90 select
91 t1.stuid92 from
93 borrow t1,94 student t295 where
96 t1.stuid=t2.stuid97 );98
99 select
100 t1.stuid101 from
102 borrow t1,103 student t2104 where
105 t1.stuid=t2.stuid;106 --4. 查詢借過作者為「安意如」的圖書的學生姓名、圖書名稱、借出日期、歸還日期;
107 select
108 student.stuname,109 book.title,110 borrow.t_time,111 borrow.b_time112 from
113 student,borrow,book114 where
115 student.stuid=borrow.stuid and
116 book.bid=borrow.bid and
117 book.author='安意如';118
119 --5. 查詢借過書但有書未歸還的學生編號、學生名稱、圖書編號、圖書名稱、借出日期
120 select
121 t1.stuid,122 t1.stuname,123 t3.bid,124 t3.title,125 t2.t_time126
127 from
128 student t1,129 borrow t2,130 book t3131 where
132 t1.stuid=t2.stuid and
133 t3.bid=t2.bid and
134 isnull(t2.b_time);135
136 --6. 查詢目前借書但未歸還圖書的學生名稱及未還圖書數量;
137 select
139 t1.stuid,140 t1.stuname,141 count(t2.bid)142 from
143 student t1,144 borrow t2,145 book t3146 where
147 t1.stuid=t2.stuid and
148 t3.bid=t2.bid and
149 isnull(t2.b_time)150 group byt2.stuid;151
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