motor 資料庫插入
motor 查詢操作# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# motor是乙個非同步mongodb driver,支援非同步讀寫mongodb。
# motor同時支援使用asyncio(python3.4以上標準庫)作為非同步模型,使用起來十分方便。
from motor import motor_asyncio
import asyncio
async def init():
#將asynciomotorclient 放單獨函式中,便於呼叫
client = motor_asyncio.asynciomotorclient('',27017)
db = client['motor']
# 建立或連線集合(表)
collection = db['learn']
return collection
async def insert_docment(jihe):
doc =
res = await jihe.insert_one(doc)
async def main():
collection = await init()
await insert_docment(collection)
motor 統計,更新,刪除# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from motor import motor_asyncio
import asyncio
async def init():
client = motor_asyncio.asynciomotorclient('',27017)
db = client['aitext']
collection = db['aa']
return collection
async def find_one_data(colleciton):
result = await colleciton.find_one(,)
# limit限制條數 skip 跳過條數
async def find_all_data(colleciton,limit = 10 ,skip = 1):
# 第一種查詢方法
# cursor = colleciton.find({},, skip = skip)
# for item in await cursor.to_list(length = limit):
# print(item)
# 第二種查詢方法
async for item in colleciton.find({},, skip = skip):
async def main():
colleciton = await init()
# await find_one_data(colleciton)
await find_all_data(colleciton)
async def init():
# 初始化motor
client = motor_asyncio.asynciomotorclient('', 27017)
db = client['aitext']
colleciton = db['kanchai']
return colleciton
# 統計資料庫條數
async def count_docment(client):
counts = await client.count_documents()
# 更新資料庫內容
async def updata_docment(client):
# update = await client.update_one(,})
update = await client.update_many(,})
# 刪除資料庫內容
async def delete_docment(client):
# delete = await client.delete_one()
delete = await client.delete_many()
async def main():
# 主邏輯
client = await init()
# await count_docment(client)
# await updata_docment(client)
await delete_docment(client)
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