mysql連續打卡次數 mysql 統計連續天數

2021-10-17 12:32:38 字數 1578 閱讀 5216

以下為例子資料 圖1

圖1首先根據要求取出beforemeal要在7.0以下 並且 bingaftermeal要在11.1以下

select accountid,createtime from diabetesrecord where beforemeal < 7.0 and aftermeal < 11.1 group by accountid,createtime



select *,((select count(1) from (select accountid,createtime from diabetesrecord where beforemeal < 7.0 and aftermeal < 11.1 group by accountid,createtime)dr2 where dr1.accountid = dr2.accountid and dr2.createtime <= dr1.createtime) - day(dr1.createtime)) as 'rownum' from (select accountid,createtime from diabetesrecord where beforemeal < 7.0 and aftermeal < 11.1 group by accountid,createtime)dr1


圖3按使用者 、開始時間、結束時間 和 連續天數分組

select accountid,min(createtime),max(createtime),(datediff(max(createtime),min(createtime))+1) as 'rn' from

(select *,((select count(1) from (select accountid,createtime from diabetesrecord where beforemeal < 7.0 and aftermeal < 11.1 group by accountid,createtime)dr2 where dr1.accountid = dr2.accountid and dr2.createtime <= dr1.createtime) - day(dr1.createtime)) as 'rownum' from (select accountid,createtime from diabetesrecord where beforemeal < 7.0 and aftermeal < 11.1 group by accountid,createtime)dr1)z group by accountid,rownum



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