fme座標轉換器 fme轉換器中文說明 pdf

2021-10-17 01:23:05 字數 1080 閱讀 7413

transformer quick-reference – fme 2006 gb

for detailed information on transformers, open the workbench help file and find the transformers folder.

transformer brief description 簡介(注意並非針對本文,可能有差異)

replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional arc whose shape is


2darcreplacer set by the parameters, which can be either constant floating point values or the


values of existing attributes.

replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional box whose minimums


2dboxreplacer and maximums are fixed val-ues, or are taken from attributes in the original



creates a two-dimensional feature using the parameters supplied, and sends it into

2dcreator 根據引數建立二維要素,並輸入轉換流程

the workspace for processing.

replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional ellipse whose shape

2dellipsereplacer 改為二維橢圓,橢圓的形狀由引數控制

is set by the parameters.

removes any ele

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