python如何實現繼承 python如何實現繼承

2021-10-16 20:30:57 字數 1075 閱讀 4194



# a python program to demonstrate inheritance

# base or super class. note object in bracket.

# (generally, object is made ancestor of all classes)

# in python 3.x "class person" is

# equivalent to "class person(object)"

class person(object):

# constructor

def __init__(self, name): = name

# to get name

def getname(self):


# to check if this person is employee

def isemployee(self):

return false

# inherited or sub class (note person in bracket)

class employee(person):

# here we return true

def isemployee(self):

return true

# driver code

emp = person("geek1") # an object of person

print(emp.getname(), emp.isemployee())

emp = employee("geek2") # an object of employee

print(emp.getname(), emp.isemployee())

輸出 :geek1 false

geek2 true


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