2.單行函式練一練#1.查詢員工的姓名和部門號和年薪,按年薪降序 按姓名公升序
select last_name,department_id,salary*12*(1+ifnull(commission_pct,0)) 年薪
from employees
order by 年薪 desc,last_name asc;
select last_name,salary
from employees
where salary not between 8000 and 17000
order by salary desc;
select *,length(email)
from employees
where email like '%e%'
order by length(email) desc,department_id asc;
#1. 顯示系統時間(注:日期+時間)
select now();
#2. 查詢員工號,姓名,工資,以及工資提高百分之20%後的結果(new salary)
select employee_id,last_name,salary,salary*1.2 "new salary"
from employees;
#3. 將員工的姓名按首字母排序,並寫出姓名的長度(length)
select length(last_name) 長度,substr(last_name,1,1) 首字元,last_name
from employees
order by 首字元;
#4. 做乙個查詢,產生下面的結果
earns monthly but wants dream salary
king earns 24000 monthly but wants 72000
select concat(last_name,' earns ',salary,' monthly but wants ',salary*3) as "dream salary"
from employees
where salary=24000;
#5. 使用case-when,按照下面的條件:
job grade
ad_pres a
st_man b
it_prog c
sa_rep d
st_clerk e
last_name job_id grade
king ad_pres a
select last_name,job_id as job,
case job_id
when 'ad_pres' then 'a'
when 'st_man' then 'b'
when 'it_prog' then 'c'
when 'sa_pre' then 'd'
when 'st_clerk' then 'e'
end as grade
from employees
where job_id = 'ad_pres';
在挑戰實驗1中構建的成績管理系統中,物理老師想要找出分數最高的同學進行表揚,請你找出這個同學並把他的資訊 id 姓名 性別 輸出到路徑 tmp 下的 physics.txt檔案中。同時 tom 的化學成績有異議,需要在原來的基礎上加3分,請更新 tom 的化學成績。wget資料庫 gradesyst...
mysql 簡單練習題
create table student id int,name varchar 20 chinese float,english float,math float insert into student id,name,chinese,english,math values 1,張小明 89,78...
MySQL函式 練習題
1.使用數學函式進行如下運算 1 計算18除以5的餘數。2 將弧度值pi 4轉換為角度值。3 計算9的4次方值 4 保留浮點值3.14159小數點後面2位。2.使用字串函式進行如下運算。1 分別計算字串 hello world 和 university 的長度。2 從字串 nice to meet ...