create database stu_db --建立資料庫students
on primary --預設就屬於primary 主檔案組
(name = 『stu_db』, --主資料庫檔案的邏輯名
filename = 『h:\sql\stu_db.mdf』, --主資料庫檔案的物理名
size = 5mb, --主資料庫檔案的初始大小
maxsize = 50mb, --主資料庫檔案的增長最大值
filegrowth = 10% --主資料庫檔案的增長率
)log on
name = 『stu_db_log』,
filename = 『h:\sql\stu_db_log.ldf』,
size = 1mb,
filegrowth = 1mb)go
use stu_db
godrop table course
drop table score
drop table student
drop table teacher
create table student
(sno int primary key,
sname char(40) not null,
s*** char(2) not null ,
sbirthday datetime,
class int
)create table teacher
(tno int primary key,
tname char(20),
t*** char(2),
tbirthday datetime,
prof char(10),
depart char(20)
)create table course
(cno char(10) primary key,
cname char(20) not null ,
tno int foreign key(tno) references teacher(tno)
)create table score
(sno int foreign key (sno) references student(sno) ,
cno char(10) foreign key(cno) references course(cno),
score int not null,
primary key(sno,cno)
)insert into student values (108,『曾華』,『男』,『1905-05-22』,95033)
insert into student values (105,『匡明』,『男』,『1905-05-18』,95031)
insert into student values (107,『王麗』,『女』,『1905-05-7』,95033)
insert into student values (101,『李軍』,『男』,『1905-05-9』,95033)
insert into student values (109,『王芳』,『女』,『1905-05-18』,95031)
insert into student values (103,『陸君』,『男』,『1905-05-20』,95031)
–insert into student values (108,『曾華』,『男』,『1905-05-18』,95033)
insert into teacher values(804,『李成』,『男』,『1958-12-2』,『副教授』,『計算機系』)
insert into teacher values(856,『張旭』,『男』,『1969-03-12』,『講師』,『電子工程系』)
insert into teacher values(825,『王萍』,『女』,『1972-05-05』,『助教』,『計算機系』)
insert into teacher values(831,『劉冰』,『女』,『1972-8-14』,『助教』,『電子工程系』)
insert into teacher values(100,『劉歡』,『女』,『1958-12-2』,『助教』,『電子工程系』)
insert into course values(『3-105』,『計算機導論』,825)
insert into course values(『3-245』,『作業系統』,804)
insert into course values(『6-166』,『資料電路』,856)
insert into course values(『9-888』,『高等數學』,100)
insert into score values(103,『3-245』,86)
insert into score values(105,『3-245』,75)
insert into score values(109,『3-245』,68)
insert into score values(103,『3-105』,92)
insert into score values(105,『3-105』,88)
insert into score values(109,『3-105』,76)
insert into score values(101,『3-105』,64)
insert into score values(107,『3-105』,91)
insert into score values(108,『3-105』,78)
insert into score values(101,『6-166』,85)
insert into score values(107,『6-106』,79)
select sname,s***,class from student
select distinct depart from teacher
select * from student
select * from score where score between 60 and 80
select * from score where score in(85,86,88)
–6、 查詢student表中「95031」班或性別為「女」的同學記錄。
select * from student where class = 95031 or s*** = 『女』
select sno from score where cno=『3-105』 and score>(
select score from score where sno=『109』 and cno=『3-105』)
select top 5 * from student
select sno 學號,cno 選修課,score 成績 from score
select tname+』-』+prof+』-』+depart as 『姓名-職位-院系』 from teacher
SQL基礎 基礎語句練習 04
練習內容 報表製作 乙個sql入門 q 做一張報表,顯示出每乙個部門男女員工的比例 select dept name as 部門 count if x.gender m 1,null count as 男員工佔比 count if x.gender f 1,null count as 女員工佔比 注...
sql 基礎入門50題 1.選擇分數介於85 100,70 85,60 70,0 60分數段之間的人數,課程標號,課程名稱和所佔百分比 select distinct f.c name,a.c id,b.85 100 b.百分比,c.70 85 c.百分比,from score a left joi...
建立一張表,記錄 呼叫員的工作流水,記錄呼叫員編號,對方號碼,通話開始時間,結束時間。建表,插資料等都自己寫出sql 要求 輸出所有資料中通話時間最長的5條記錄。輸出所有資料中撥打長途號碼 對方號碼以0開頭 的總時長 輸出本月通話時長最多的前三個呼叫員的編號 輸出本月撥打 次數最多的前三個呼叫員的編...