
2021-10-12 20:07:58 字數 1654 閱讀 7701


use [cisdb_pzhyy]

go/****** object:  userdefinedfunction [dbo].[fun_getpy]    script date: 12/25/2020 10:26:28 ******/

set ansi_nulls on

goset quoted_identifier on

goalter function [dbo].[fun_getpy](@str nvarchar(4000)) 

returns nvarchar(4000) 

as begin 

declare @word nchar(1),@py nvarchar(4000) 

set @py='' 

while len(@str)>0 


set @word=left(@str,1) 


set @py=@py+(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901 

then (select top 1 py from ( 

select 'a' as py,n'驁' as word 

union all select 'b',n'簿' 

union all select 'c',n'錯' 

union all select 'd',n'鵽' 

union all select 'e',n'樲' 

union all select 'f',n'鰒' 

union all select 'g',n'腂' 

union all select 'h',n'夻' 

union all select 'j',n'攈' 

union all select 'k',n'穒' 

union all select 'l',n'鱳' 

union all select 'm',n'旀' 

union all select 'n',n'桛' 

union all select 'o',n'漚' 

union all select 'p',n'曝' 

union all select 'q',n'囕' 

union all select 'r',n'鶸' 

union all select 's',n'蜶' 

union all select 't',n'籜' 

union all select 'w',n'鶩' 

union all select 'x',n'鑂' 

union all select 'y',n'韻' 

union all select 'z',n'咗' 

) t 

where word>=@word collate chinese_prc_cs_as_ks_ws 

order by py asc) else @word end) 

set @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1) 


return @py 


使用select dbo.fun_getpy('中華人民共和國'),dbo.get_wbm('中華人民共和國') 


獲取拼音碼 sql函式

create function dbo f util getpinyincode str nvarchar 4000 returns nvarchar 4000 asbegin declare word nchar 1 py nvarchar 4000 set py while len str 0 ...

sql函式 漢字拼音碼

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