Oracle 全庫匯入時出現單錶無法建立問題

2021-10-12 02:51:51 字數 4027 閱讀 4544



ora-39083: object type table:"hr"."wz_menu" failed to create with error:

ora-00922: missing or invalid option

failing sql is:

create table "hr"."wz_menu" ("xtxh" number(2,0) not null enable, "xh" number(10,0) not null enable, "yhdm" varchar2(50 byte), "gnjb" number(1,0), "gndm" varchar2(50 byte), "gnmc" varchar2(100 byte), "menu" varchar2(100 byte), "gnss" varchar2(50 byte), "flxh" number(10,0), "sxh" number(3,0), "bz" varchar2(500 byte), "pic" varchar2(50 byte), "level_jb" number(1,0), "zblx" numbe



tablespace created.


sql> create table "hr"."wz_menu"

("xtxh" number(2,0) not null enable,

"xh" number(10,0) not null enable,

"yhdm" varchar2(50),

"gnjb" number(1,0),

"gndm" varchar2(50),

"gnmc" varchar2(100),

"menu" varchar2(100),

"gnss" varchar2(50),

"flxh" number(10,0),

"sxh" number(3,0),

"bz" varchar2(500),

"pic" varchar2(50),

"level_jb" number(1,0),

"zblx" number(1,0),

"openwindow" varchar2(50),

"cdss" varchar2(50),

"pic_blob" blob,

constraint "pk_wz_menu" primary key ("xtxh", "xh")

using index pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 compute statistics

storage(initial 262144 next 1048576 minextents 1 maxextents 2147483645

pctincrease 0 freelists 1 freelist groups 1 buffer_pool default)

tablespace "ts_zongwu" enable

)pctfree 10 pctused 40 initrans 1 maxtrans 255 nocompress logging

storage(initial 65536 next 1048576 minextents 1 maxextents 2147483645

pctincrease 0 freelists 1 freelist groups 1 buffer_pool default)

tablespace "ts_zongwu"

lob ("pic_blob") store as "basicfile"(

tablespace "ts_zongwu" enable storage in row chunk 8192 pctversion 10

nocache logging

storage(initial 65536 next 1048576 minextents 1 maxextents 2147483645

pctincrease 0 freelists 1 freelist groups 1 buffer_pool default))

table created.


[oracle@dgstddb ~]$

expdp "'"/ as sysdba"'" directory=dump_dir dumpfile=wz_menu.dmp logfile=wz_menu.log content=metadata_only tables=hr.wz_menu

刪除:sql> drop table hr.wz_menu;

table dropped.


[oracle@dgstddb ~]$

impdp \'/ as sysdba\' directory=dump_dir dumpfile=wz_menu.dmp logfile=impdp.log tables=hr.wz_menu;

import: release - production on mon dec 14 22:22:21 2020

connected to: oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

master table "sys"."sys_import_table_01" successfully loaded/unloaded

starting "sys"."sys_import_table_01": "/******** as sysdba" directory=dump_dir dumpfile=wz_menu.dmp logfile=impdp.log tables=hr.wz_menu

processing object type table_export/table/table

ora-39083: object type table:"hr"."wz_menu" failed to create with error:

failing sql is:

create table "hr"."wz_menu" ("xtxh" number(2,0) not null enable, "xh" number(10,0) not null enable, "yhdm" varchar2(50 byte), "gnjb" number(1,0), "gndm" varchar2(50 byte), "gnmc" varchar2(100 byte), "menu" varchar2(100 byte), "gnss" varchar2(50 byte), "flxh" number(10,0), "sxh" number(3,0), "bz" varchar2(500 byte), "pic" varchar2(50 byte), "level_jb" number(1,0), "zblx" number(1,0),

processing object type table_export/table/index/index

ora-39112: dependent object type index:"hr"."pk_wz_menu" skipped, base object type table:"hr"."wz_menu" creation failed

processing object type table_export/table/constraint/constraint

ora-39112: dependent object type constraint:"hr"."pk_wz_menu" skipped, base object type table:"hr"."wz_menu" creation failed

job "sys"."sys_import_table_01" completed with 3 error(s) at mon dec 14 22:22:23 2020 elapsed 0 00:00:02



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Oracle 匯入單錶資料

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使用expdp和impdp時應該注重的事項 1 exp和imp是客戶端工具程式,它們既可以在客戶端使用,也可以在服務端使用。2 expdp和impdp是服務端的工具程式,他們只能在oracle服務端使用,不能在客戶端使用。3 imp只適用於exp匯出的檔案,不適用於expdp匯出檔案 impdp只適...