aqs是 abstractqueuedsynchronizer 的簡稱,字面含義可以解釋為抽象同步佇列。
cas 保證狀態的變更在多執行緒中的可見性
* 狀態,獨佔模式 0 為無鎖, 1為占用
* 共享模式如countdownlatch,state=5 表示共享執行緒為5,執行緒執行後逐漸減為0
*/private volatile int state;
/** 頭節點
* head of the wait queue, lazily initialized. except for
* initialization, it is modified only via method sethead. note:
* if head exists, its waitstatus is guaranteed not to be
* cancelled.
*/private transient volatile node head;
/*** 尾節點
* tail of the wait queue, lazily initialized. modified only via
* method enq to add new wait node.
*/private transient volatile node tail;
/** cas 使用
* setup to support compareandset. we need to natively implement
* this here: for the sake of permitting future enhancements, we
* cannot explicitly subclass atomicinteger, which would be
* efficient and useful otherwise. so, as the lesser of evils, we
* natively implement using hotspot intrinsics api. and while we
* are at it, we do the same for other casable fields (which could
* otherwise be done with atomic field updaters).
*/private static final unsafe unsafe = unsafe.getunsafe();
private static final long stateoffset;
private static final long headoffset;
private static final long tailoffset;
private static final long waitstatusoffset;
private static final long nextoffset;
static catch (exception ex)
// 獨佔鎖api
protected boolean tryacquire(int arg)
protected boolean tryrelease(int arg)
// 共享鎖api
通過jcp的jsr166規範,jdk1.5開始引入了j.u.c包,這個包提供了一系列支援併發的元件。這些元件是一系列的同步器,這些同步器主要維護著以下幾個功能 內部同步狀態的管理 例如表示乙個鎖的狀態是獲取還是釋放 同步狀態的更新和檢查操作,且至少有乙個方法會導致呼叫執行緒在同步狀態被獲取時阻塞,以...
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