2.vscode 介面裡面左上角選則 檔案=> 首選項=> 使用者**片段=>新建全域性**片段=>在輸入框中新建名稱為vue.json
, $ for placeholders.
// placeholders with the same ids are connected.
// example:
"print to console":,
"creat vue"
:"before output to position"},
" ],
:"before output to position"
, $ for placeholders. placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// example:
// "print to console":
,"\t success: function(res)"
,"\t }"
:"log output to console"},
"wei tuo shijian":"
:"wei tuo shijian"},
"chuang jian fu wu qi":)"
:"chuang jian fu wu qi"},
"lian jie shu ju ku":)"
,"\n\t\t // 把其他模組需要的 conn 暴露出去"
,"\n\t\t module.exports = conn;"],
:"lian jie shu ju ku"},
"chu li shu ju de jie kou"
,"\n\t\t\t res.send();"
,"\n\t\t\t })"
,"\n\t\t })"],
:"lian jie shu ju ku"},
,"\t\t\t methods: ,"
,"\t\t\t },"
,"\t\t })",]
:"log output to console"},
, $ for placeholders. placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// 解釋把你的**片段放在這裡。每個**段都定義在乙個**片段的名稱下,並有乙個字首、body和description。字首是用來觸發**片段的東西,身體將被擴充套件和插入。可能的變數是:$ 1、tab的$ 2、最後游標位置的$ 0、$ 、$ 。佔位符
// 相同的id連線。
// example:
// "print to console":
// "$.ajax":
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