Git reset的三種模式

2021-10-10 20:41:58 字數 4398 閱讀 2074



administrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git status

on branch master

changes not staged for commit:

(use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)

(use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory)

modified: aa.txt

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

administrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git log

commit 79ed69f7fdeb3474c36fa111ee82ef067575ad83 (head -> master)

author: zhangtao153 <>

date: wed nov 25 21:19:27 2020 +0800

bbcommit d40163567818b2ac0b28743058ff9c68a7798390

author: zhangtao153 <>

date: wed nov 25 21:19:03 2020 +0800

aaadministrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git reset --hard head^

head is now at d401635 aa

administrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git log

commit d40163567818b2ac0b28743058ff9c68a7798390 (head -> master)

author: zhangtao153 <>

date: wed nov 25 21:19:03 2020 +0800

aaadministrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git status

on branch master

nothing to commit, working tree clean


可以使用soft reset合併「當前節點」與「reset目標節點」之間不具太大意義的commit記錄,讓commit演進線圖較為清晰點。


administrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git log

commit 82ad83fcfcfb366ab7a895053f9b8936aaabf6cf (head -> master)

author: zhangtao153 <>

date: wed nov 25 21:39:37 2020 +0800

bbcommit d40163567818b2ac0b28743058ff9c68a7798390

author: zhangtao153 <>

date: wed nov 25 21:19:03 2020 +0800

aaadministrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git status

on branch master

untracked files:

(use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

administrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git reset --soft head^

administrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git log

commit d40163567818b2ac0b28743058ff9c68a7798390 (head -> master)

author: zhangtao153 <>

date: wed nov 25 21:19:03 2020 +0800

aaadministrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git status

on branch master

changes to be committed:

(use "git restore --staged ..." to unstage)

modified: aa.txt

untracked files:

(use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)




administrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git status

on branch master

changes to be committed:

(use "git restore --staged ..." to unstage)

modified: aa.txt

untracked files:

(use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)


administrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git reset head^

unstaged changes after reset:

m aa.txt

administrator@win-dtnf3grdh5r mingw64 /g/tmp/test (master)

$ git status

on branch master

changes not staged for commit:

(use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)

(use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory)

modified: aa.txt

untracked files:

(use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

git reset三種模式

區別 hard 重置位置的同時,直接將working tree工作目錄 index 暫存區及repository都重置成目標reset節點的內容,所以效果看起來等同於清空暫存區和工作區。soft 重置位置的同時,保留working tree工作目錄和index暫存區的內容,只讓repository中...

Git Reset三種模式

前言 在最近的工作中使用到git遇到的一些問題,對git的了解加深了一點。有時候,當我們commit 後,發現這一次commit的內容是有錯誤的,這個時候有兩種處理方法 1 修改錯誤內容,再一次commit 2 使用git reset命令撤銷這一次錯誤的commit 這兩種方法,第一種比較直接,但會...

git reset三種模式詳解

使用git reset命令可回退到指定的commit,本質其實就是將head指向分支的commit移動到了目標的commit上面 git reset命令有三種模式可供使用,分別是 git reset mixed 不加引數預設為此模式 git reset sort git reset hard 下面分...