datas segment
buf0 db 0ah,
'please choose the subprogram(a,b,c,d): '
buf dw buf1,buf2,buf3,buf4
datas ends
stacks segment
stacks ends
codes segment
assume cs:codes,ds:datas,ss:stacks;==
main proc far
mov ax,datas
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset buf0
mov ah,
09h int
21h mov ah,
01h int
21h cmp al,
'a' je one
cmp al,
'b' je two
cmp al,
'c' je three
cmp al,
'd' je four
cmp al,
1bh je exit0
jmp loop_begin
call buf1
jmp loop_begin
call buf2
jmp loop_begin
call buf3
jmp loop_begin
call buf4
jmp loop_begin
mov ah,
4ch int 21h
main endp;==
buf1 proc near
mov bx,offset buf1
call output
retbuf1 endp;==
==buf2 proc near
mov bx,offset buf2
call output
retbuf2 endp;==
==buf3 proc near
mov bx,offset buf3
call output
retbuf3 endp;==
==buf4 proc near
mov bx,offset buf4
call output
retbuf4 endp;==
==output proc near
mov dx,
0ah mov ah,
02h int
21h mov dx,bx
mov cl,
4 shr dh,
4 add dh,
30h cmp dh,
39h jle first
add dh,
mov dl,dh
mov ah,
02h int
21h mov dh,bh
and dh,
0fh add dh,
30h cmp dh,
39h jle second
add dh,
mov dl,dh
mov ah,
02h int
21h mov dl,bl
shr dl,cl
add dl,
30h cmp dl,
39h jle third
add dl,
mov ah,
02h int
21h mov dl,bl
and dl,
0fh add dl,
30h cmp dl,
39h jle forth
add dl,
mov ah,
02h int
21h ret
output endp
codes ends
end main
組合語言 子程式呼叫
不是很常用的 子程式返回指令 說明 根據段內和段間 有無引數,具體分成4種情況 1 ret 無引數返回 2 ret n 有引數返回 n引數的作用 需要彈出call指令壓入堆疊的返回位址 3 段內返回 偏移位址ip出棧 ip ss sp sp sp 2 4 段間返回 偏移位址ip和段位址cs出棧 ip...
內部子程式 identification division.program id.proc a.environment division.data division.procedure division.identification division.program id.proc b.enviro...
內部子程式 identification division.program id.proc a.environment division.data division.procedure division.identification division.program id.proc b.enviro...