mac 平台下unity 匯出ios專案問題
作為乙個新手,嘗試在mac 平台下unity 接入admob unity匯出ios專案過程**現了一系列的問題,現把所有問題總結
官方說:在unity 平台需要搭建cocoapods環境
最新版的macos catalina系統命令行執行pod setup命令直接結束啦;
git clone ~/.cocoapods/repos/trunk
unity build完成之後,出現
ios framework addition failed due to a cocoapods installation failure. this will will likely result in an non-functional xcode project.
after the failure, 「pod repo update」 was executed and succeeded. 「pod install」 was then attempted again, and still failed. this may be due to a broken cocoapods installation. see: for potential solutions.
pod install output:
analyzing dependencies
[!] cocoapods could not find compatible versions for pod 「google-mobile-ads-sdk」:
in podfile:
google-mobile-ads-sdk (~> 7.63)
specs satisfying thegoogle-mobile-ads-sdk (~> 7.63)
dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
這個看最後一句話,只需要在unity ios 平台 other setting 中修改target minimum ios version 9.0就可以
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