private sub test()
dim arr()
row = sheets("sheet1").usedrange.rows.count
col = sheets("sheet1").usedrange.columns.count
redim arr(1 to row, 1 to 6)
arr = range("a1:f" & row)
arr = bubblesort(arr, 0, 2, 2)
range("j1:o" & row) = arr
end sub
public function bubblesort(byref snarray(), sort as boolean, column as integer, title as integer)
'sort 為公升降序標記,column為需排序列,title為標題行數(不參與排序的行數)
dim iouter as long
dim iinner as long
dim ilbound as long
dim iubound as long
dim issort as boolean
dim count as integer
dim temp as integer
dim itemp
redim itemp(1, lbound(snarray, 2) to ubound(snarray, 2))
dim sorted as integer
lastindex = 0
tlbound = lbound(snarray, 2)
tubound = ubound(snarray, 2)
ilbound = lbound(snarray) + title
iubound = ubound(snarray)
sorted = iubound - iouter - 1
select case sort
case 0 '引數為0時公升序
for iouter = ilbound to iubound - 1
issort = true
for iinner = ilbound to sorted 'iubound - iouter - 1
if snarray(iinner, column) > snarray(iinner + 1, column) then
for temp = tlbound to tubound '陣列整行資料交換
itemp(1, temp) = snarray(iinner, temp)
snarray(iinner, temp) = snarray(iinner + 1, temp)
snarray(iinner + 1, temp) = itemp(1, temp)
next temp
issort = false '標記是否有排序動作
count = count + 1 '記錄排序次數,可刪除
lastindex = iinner '記錄最後排序位置
end if
next iinner
if issort = true then exit for '如果沒有排序動作則為全部排序完成,跳出迴圈,排序結束
sorted = lastindex '接下來的迴圈只到最後排序位置
next iouter
case 1 '引數為1時降序
for iouter = ilbound to iubound - 1
issort = true
for iinner = ilbound to sorted 'iubound - iouter - 1
if snarray(iinner, column) < snarray(iinner + 1, column) then
for temp = tlbound to tubound '陣列整行資料交換
itemp(1, temp) = snarray(iinner, temp)
snarray(iinner, temp) = snarray(iinner + 1, temp)
snarray(iinner + 1, temp) = itemp(1, temp)
next temp
issort = false '標記是否有排序動作
count = count + 1 '記錄排序次數,可刪除
lastindex = iinner '記錄最後排序位置
end if
next iinner
if issort = true then exit for '如果沒有排序動作則為全部排序完成,跳出迴圈,排序結束
sorted = lastindex '接下來的迴圈只到最後排序位置
next iouter
end select
sheets(1).range("i1") = count
bubblesort = snarray
end function
實現了一維陣列的排序,同時二位陣列也可實現排序。利用c 實現,以下為主函式 includeusing namespace std define n 3 void paixu int p n void out int p n int main 形參為指向一維陣列的指標,將二維陣列存到一維陣列之中,將一...
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