exp [資料庫賬號]\[資料庫密碼]@[ip]/[資料庫名] file="[檔案路徑]\檔名.dmp"
exp xmglxt_x3/[email protected]:1521/orcl file="d:20171102xmglxt_backup.dmp"
create tablespace stbss
size 100m
autoextend on next 32m maxsize 2048m
imp [資料庫賬號]\[資料庫密碼]@[ip]/[資料庫名] file="[檔案路徑]\檔名.dmp" fromuser=[開發環境的資料庫使用者名稱] touser=[本地的資料庫使用者名稱] commit=yes ignore=yes
imp xmglxt_x3/xmglxt_x3@localhost/orcl file="d:20171102xmglxt_backup.dmp" fromuser=xmglxt_x3 touser=xmglxt_x3 commit=yes ignore=yes
表空間名字 表空間檔案路徑
create tablespace news_tablespace datafile 'd:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\test\xmglxt_x3.dbf' size 2048m
使用者名稱 密碼
create user xmglxt_x3 identified by xmglxt_x3 default tablespace news_tablespace
使用者名稱grant connect,resource to xmglxt_x3
使用者名稱grant dba to xmglxt_x3
匯出,在dos下執行 1.exp username userpassword databasename 可以是資料庫也可是遠端的,如username userpassword caac135 2.enter array fetch buffer size 4096 回車 3.export file ...
sqlplus system system egov create directory dump dir as d dbback exit expdp system system egov directory dump dir dumpfile urbanyw.dmp schemas urbanyw...
最簡單 exp duser duser remote localinstancename owner duser file file path dmp imp duser duser remote localinstancename file file path dmp 詳細出處參考 win10下o...