主要涉及table:equk(配額檔案: 標題)和equp(配額檔案:專案)
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
parameters: p_werks type equk-werks default '1200' obligatory.
select-options: s_matnr for equk-matnr modif id g2.
selection-screen end of block b1.
*** 定義內錶
types:begin of ty_display,
matnr type equk-matnr,
werks type equk-werks,
bdatu type equk-bdatu,
vdatu type equk-vdatu,
qunum type equk-qunum,
erdat type equk-erdat,
ernam type equk-ernam,
scmng type equk-scmng,
message type bapi_msg,
end of ty_display.
data: gt_equp type equp occurs 0 with header line,
gt_display type ty_display occurs 0 with header line.
*** 查詢資料
select *
from equk
into corresponding fields of table gt_display
where werks = p_werks
and matnr in s_matnr.
if gt_display is not initial.
sort gt_display by qunum.
select *
from equp
into corresponding fields of table gt_equp
for all entries in gt_display
where qunum = gt_display-qunum.
sort gt_equp by qunum.
loop at gt_display .
lv_index = sy-tabix.
read table gt_equp with key qunum = gt_display-qunum binary search.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
delete gt_display index lv_index.
*** 定義內錶
data: t_xequk type equku occurs 0 with header line,"
t_xequp type uequp occurs 0 with header line,"
t_yequk type equku occurs 0 with header line,"
t_yequp type uequp occurs 0 with header line."
*** 刪除配額
loop at gt_display into gw_display.
read table gt_equp with key qunum = gw_display-qunum binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
lv_index = sy-tabix.
*** 配額抬頭資訊
clear : t_xequk,t_yequk.
move-corresponding gw_display to t_xequk.
move-corresponding gw_display to t_yequk.
t_yequk-kz = 'u'. "更改型別 (u, i, e, d)
*** 專案明細資訊
clear gt_equp.
loop at gt_equp from lv_index.
if gt_equp-qunum <> gw_display-qunum.
clear t_yequp.
move-corresponding gt_equp to t_yequp.
clear: gt_equp.
clear w_display.
call function 'me_update_quota'
xequk = t_xequk
xequp = t_xequp
yequk = t_yequk
yequp = t_yequp.
if sy-subrc = 0.
*** 刪除成功
*** 刪除失敗
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