b.id asb_id,
b.class as b_class
from lpx_test_a a
left outer join lpx_test_b b
on (a.id = b.id and a.class < b.class);
第一種方式:union的方式解決left join的不等連線(補上右表為null的那部分表,也就是union all右表為空的表)但是left join太多的時候union all的分類討論太多了且層次不清--hive
select a.*,
case when a.class < b.class then b.idend as b_id,
case when a.class < b.class then b.class end as b_class
from lpx_test_a a
left outer join lpx_test_b b
on (a.id = b.id);
* from a
left join b on a.id=b.id and a.id2=b.id2
where a.starttime<= b.time and b.time < a.endtime
select *
from a
left join b on a.id=b.id and a.id2=b.id2
where a.starttime<= b.time and b.time < a.endtime
union all
Hive 連線查詢操作(不支援IN查詢)
create external table if not exists a telno string,other string partitioned by day string row format delimited fields terminated by create external ta...
mysql不支援 MySQL不支援的特性
mysql 1 不支援物化檢視。2 不支援位圖索引。3 不支援並行查詢。4 不支援雜湊關聯,mysql的所有關聯都是巢狀迴圈關聯。不過,可以通過建立乙個雜湊索引來曲線實現。5 不允許對同一表同時進行查詢和更新。報錯 update tb1 as outer tb1 set cnt select cou...
JMS 池連線不支援同步接收
使用org.apache.activemq.pool.pooledconnection連線,傳送訊息時不支援同步訊息接收 使用連線池 public void init catch exception e 消費訊息 public void receivemessage throws jm ceptio...